Lilah went into the office dejected and red eyed from another long lonely night. She planned on calling Wesley during her first break, hoping he would be in a better place. She didn't know why she kept doing what she had done the night before. He wasn't ready for more and she should just get used to it. She saw Dekkon already at his desk working
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Talking with Dawn again was awsome. She's the only one who really cared that I was gone...not that I was surprised...I mean no-one really cares about me....except for Luke
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Jenny looked at the other two fast asleep and reached for the book that Willow brought for her yesterday. "1001 baby names and their meanings" Raising an eyebrow, she laid it on her lap and concentrated on the page before levitating it to Willow and dropping it on her head
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Wesley lay on the couch, still tired from dealing with Jenny's kidnapping and Ryanne's attitude. But try as he might, sleep just wouldn't come. So he hoped to get at least a mild doze going
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Dekkon felt better than he had in years. Working with Wolfram and Hart definitely had its perks. The compound had been fantastic, he reflected. The hunts, the willing female Weres, the food, all had been great
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Giles left Ryanne sleeping at the apartment and went back to the hospital. The short nap had helped slightly but he had a massive headache and needed to see Willow and Jenny.
Sat on the sofa watching her friend cautiously, "Andrew.. you ... seem..."she kenw Andrew was a different sort but this was just weird, "Well is everything ok?"
Ryanne was bouncing around so much that Wes had left the apartment and parked himself outside the door waiting for the others to get home. She ran around the rooms, picking up and making more messes as she did so. It had been too long since Buffy had left for him and she was getting more and more frantic. she hadn't even noticed that the wound was
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Buffy leaned back on the chair and checked her watch, the flight was on schedule and she had the proof Jenny left in the jeep in her jacket pocket, that ring. She had left Wes with Ryanne and tried to focus on the gate but found herself trying to think ahead to the next step.