silly pics and CityasrollerderbyAUImeanwhat?

Feb 26, 2012 21:40

Today Keith and I went to the park for a walk... but we were there for maybe 30 seconds when out of no where it decided to start snowing

So we hauled ass to the shelter on the dock about a half a mile down the trail. It was really weird because you can always see the other side of the lake because it's not that far but it was so foggy today that you couldn't and it was creepy

Then we went to get some pad thai... because it's been almost 2 months since I've had any and that's a shankable offense in my family. And then we wanted tea so we went home to warm up and get tea. As I can't have anything with gluten in it, my tea and Biscuit was a little different

lol bad pun... because her name is Biscuit, get it? ;-;

And as she's nosy and obnoxious, she tried to steal kisses from uncle Keith

I love his damn bowties

so while she was staring at him I took a picture of Hastings who was staring at Biscuit with his usual disdain of her

to which Biscuit decided to photobomb

yay \o/

*cough* and even though I swore off writing after the Costel fic is done but ... uh... well I forgot about luxover and lalalalynds's bdays so of course I have fics for them (Lux's being a sequel to the last Roger/Erik piece I wrote in where Roger and Mike are bros and Lynds's might be a genderswap City as a roller derby team AU... and by might I mean it is and it contains Edin/Aleks [Edin still as a guy though] and a Silva/Milner/Johnson relationship). BUT THEN I SWEAR I'M DONE!!!!

... if anyone can think of good roller derby names for Zabaleta, Hargreaves, and Milner, I'd be forever indebted to you.
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