Title: Awk- warrrd.
Chapter: 3
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Angst
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Hyukmin (Eunhyuk + Sungmin)
Summary: Sungmin needs a new place to live, and finds the perfect place to stay with perfect roommate to live with. But, with such a hot roommate, will Sungmin be able to keep his hands off his new friend?
A/N bare with me guys, gotta get back into writing again :/ i was actually scared while writing this. I was so afraid when i had to go pee, i was afraid that when i opened the door i would be somewhere different. Gahhhhhh i love writing!
The bang came again and Sungmin froze. He was so curious about the neighbourhood: what, were they all murderers? Did they have an annual break and enter day, and Sungmin was lucky enough that it was celebrated the day he moved in?
“Tell me about - ” he started before Eunhyuk cut him off.
“Shut up.”
...Well, that was rude. Sungmin needed answers and he just wasn’t getting them. But, before he could ask another, Eunhyuk has disappeared...literally. Sungmin eyes squinted as he watched Eunhyuk literally vanish. He didn’t just “leave fast”...no, he was literally gone. Disappeared, vanished, gone...whatever you wanted to call it - he was not here anymore.
Sungmin swung the door open and checked the hallways. What used to be a graceful, beautiful house was certainly not that now. It was dark...very dark. And the moon didn’t provide light like it did in his room. Sungmin really needed to get out of here.
Eyes seemed to follow him as Sungmin’s hands led him through what he presumed was the hallway, and before he realised, he was at the front door. He quickly opened it and let out a gasp of relief as he saw light. He looked back, and discovered that this was not the door that he had gone through earlier. This door was black - not painted, but from all the dirt, grime and moss. The handle was no longer shiny and (probably real) gold, but was now deteriorated iron. Sungmin winced at the thought of all the germs. He backed up, nearly falling as his foot went through the steps which he forgotten had been there. He managed to stabilise himself and turned to look at them. There is no way I am testing these. He thought before he wedged his foot out and he decided to jump them, and nearly did a gleeful dance when he managed to land it. He started to back up again, to get a look at the house, but decided against that for the sole reason of what had just happened. The lawn was a forest, with no trees but horrible crawling grass. Weeds infested the path as well as numerous insects.
As he looked at the house he was mortified. This was NOT the house he had moved into that very same day. It was like a house that he had seen in horrid video games...or scary movies before the victim goes in and dies. It was grey, with a hint of blue. Its balcony was no longer present, only a couple pieces of wood which was a ‘barrier’. And the porch.....well, he wished he didn’t stand on it. Dust had gathered over what had seemed like years, I mean fuck, you could go fucking swimming in there! There was a mysterious aura around it which he did not like. Where am I? And where the fuck is Eunhyuk? Sungmin wanted to cry, the fear was too much for his heart, before he noticed a change from the house. He looked up; a light was on, from what would have been Eunhyuk’s bedroom. Sungmin looked back to the porch, and it looked like he was the only one to step on it recently...so how did Eunhyuk get in here? Oh my lord, I did not sign up for this. Sungmin sighed, then laughed at himself for getting himself in this situation. And he thought putting up with Kibum was bad.... at least he could he could escape from Kibum!
Oh fuck. Sungmin thought as he realised this may be his new home, instead of his fancy mansion with gorgeous Eunhyuk. Fuck that! This needs to be fixed, and like now.
Sungmin managed to acrobat himself upstairs and winced as he had to touch the door again. As the door opened, he was no longer in the derelict building. He looked around as he noticed crystal chandeliers, and a large piano in the corner of the hallway. What?!
He turned around and left. Sungmin was so...confused. Where was he now? It was still dark, but lighter. The sun was starting to come up. The porch was exceptionally clean, and the stairs gleamed as if the wood had just been polished. He walked down them, happy that he didn’t have to use his crappy gymnast skills again and regained his place back where he could get a good look at the house.
It was definitely the same house. It was glittering white, and there wasn’t a speck of dirt on it, which was so strange because no house was ever that clean. This. Is. Fucking. Crazy. So crazy, that Sungmin was afraid to open another door. The doors were like a portal. Sungmin laughed, a portal? Come on, this isn’t an episode of supernatural. This is my life.
Sungmin walked back up the porch, and sat on a rocking chair. He swung slowly, thinking about what was happening. He stared off into the distance, and felt his eyes drifting shut before he mentally slapped himself. He had to stay awake, what if he woke up and he was in Hawaii or something? But that thought never stayed very long, and Sungmin drifted off to sleep very quickly, without even realising he was tired.
Rustling of trees woke Sungmin up, and he slowly realised he was in the same place as before. It was brighter now, not by much which told Sungmin he didn’t sleep long. Sungmin felt the trees moving, and he shivered as he felt the now familiar sense of fear return. He moved quickly to the door, thought a quick fuck it! and closed his eyes as he opened it.
He was getting sick of this. Was it so bad that all he wanted was to be home? Not like, Kibum-home, nor Eunhyuk-home, but, like, home with his parents? Sungmin opened his eyes quickly, secretly wishing he was back where he started. He looked around and noticed similar things to what Eunhyuk had, but in different styles and in different places. Nope. Back outside!
He was getting sick and tired of looking at the same house, over and over. The sun was nearly making a difference in the sky; it was lighter but again, not by much. He was memorising his special place on the driveway: 4 steps forward and 5 along then, 1 back. This house was very similar to Eunhyuk’s, which gave Sungmin some sort of hope. It was a light blue colour, which some would call tacky. It had bright pink banisters around the porch which sort of hurt his eyes as he stared at them with what his friends called his “disgusted face”. He laughed at this house, it was like a house from “Edward Scissorhands ” but, in mansion form. Wow. Sungmin’s thoughts were interrupted once he heard a dog bark. His initial thought was “LIFE!” before he realised it was not a nice bark and it was getting closer. He didn’t even think to turn around before he ran to the door, and opened it.
Sungmin almost gasped when he realised he was back in Eunhyuk’s house. He didn’t need to go out and check, thank God!, because the maids confirmed it. They were still hard at work as before. Sungmin smiled at them briefly, and they showed no confusion as to why he was walking through the door at this time. It must’ve been about 5 in the morning, and they didn’t even care. Sungmin noted this, before he realised he had to go check up on Eunhyuk. He nearly fell as he tried to make it up the stairs, and tripped a couple of times running down the hallways until he reached Eunhyuk’s room. The door was open just a tiny bit, and Sungmin used his finger to slowly push it open. His relief was overwhelming when he discovered Eunhyuk pacing around the room. He stopped abruptly and turned around quickly. Quickly, Sungmin was enveloped in Eunhyuk’s arms and Sungmin smiled to himself. He slowly wrapped his arms around the other as he breathed in his scent. But the hug was over as soon as it started at Eunhyuk held him at arms length as he stared into his eyes.
“Are you okay? I am so, so, so sorry! Like, I am so sorry, seriously!” He exclaimed and Sungmin’s head was spinning he was so confused.
“I’m..I’m fine. Why are you sorry again?” He played it cool, as per.
“I...I’m just...I’ve only done that a few times and that stupid asshole kept fucking up my concentration!” He giggled and covered his mouth after he swore, and Sungmin smiled at his goofy laugh before he took in what Eunhyuk had said.
“Done what?”
“Portals...Teleporting...Whatever they call it. I only learned how to do it recently and have only done it a few times myself, never mind sending another through them! I, I’m just so sorry! I kept getting the times wrong, I meant to send you somewhere familiar, like the coffee shop where you work or something but, I guess I can only send you through time so far!”
Sungmin stared at Eunhyuk for a very long time with one eye squinted and his mouth gaping. Portals? Teleporting? Only done it a few times? Sorry? Send me somewhere familiar? Coffee shop? Send me through time...SO FAR?
“What. The. Fuck.”
“I guess it’s good that I got a little practice! I’m always so scared to send myself places in case I get the formulas wrong or forget how to do it, and to be frank, I’m quite pleased that I was able to send you places while that fucker was messing with me and my beautiful mind!”
Sungmin couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Was Eunhyuk telling him that he was an inventor of some sort and he had discovered time travel? And who was in the house? What the hell was going on?!
“I am just so happy you are okay. And look at the good side, you’re back!” Eunhyuk was far too happy, and cheerful for Sungmin after what he had been through.
“Are you saying that you sent me to all those places?”
“Well, technically I didn’t send you to different places: same place, just different decades! What was it....I’m pretty sure that the first one was....1983? And the second was definitely 1843...One of my favourite generations. This house was so beautiful back then! And the third was around 1972....maybe 1974? That doesn’t really matter where you went though, as long as you are back! Which, by the way, I am so happy about!”
He was like a teenage girl ranting about her new mobile phone. Sungmin walked out the room in a haze - he needed to lay down. Eunhyuk followed him quickly, as if he wasn’t even walking, and tried to stop him.
“You’re...You’re okay, right? I mean, I didn’t hurt you or anything, right?”
Sungmin nodded, but was he really okay?