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Oct 19, 2010 08:47

Character Information

Canon Source: Final Fantasy X-2
Canon Format: Video Game
Character's Name: Rin
Character's Age: Unknown. Assuming he is a contemporary of Auron, he's likely in his mid-thirties.

What form will your character's NV take? A pocket-sized CommSphere, which is the most common mode of communication in his world-- it basically resembles a half-sphere of water set in a filigreed frame.

Character's Canon Abilities: Though he modestly claims his profession to be a humble merchant, Rin has a lifetime's worth of little 'talents' to draw on. As an Al Bhed, he boasts an impressive amount of mechanical knowledge and know-how, and does his best to keep up to date with whatever improvements have been made in technology, if he's not actively making them himself.

No one's ever actually seen Rin fight-- though he must have, at some point. His time in the business is long enough to have netted him enough people trying to strangle him for being an utterly infuriating bastard, but to date, no one's succeeded (and no one knows what happened to them either).

Despite his occupation, Rin's engaged in enough physical activity to keep in shape. He can be recruited as a Blitzball player, and makes a capable midfielder. While he doesn't carry any visible weapons with him, Rin is likely capable of defending himself with firearms, and his fists if necessary. As Rin remarks in one of the alternate scenes of the Mi'ihen Highroad mission, "We Al Bhed are accustomed to having guns pointed at us," and he is swift enough to knock out an (admittedly unprepared) armed foe before he can be shot.

Generally, however, he prefers using his persuasive skills to get out of a pinch, rather than resorting to violence.

Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them?

Weapons: None that are visible. For insurance's sake, he conceals a dagger and a small firearm on his person, though both would look strange to someone who isn't from Spira.


Character History:

Little can be said about Rin's history, if only because the man isn't given to sharing. His accent, as thick and stilted as his formality, is difficult to place-- and may, for that matter, be nothing but an affectation.

Rin knows what it is to be hated. In Spira, where the great fiend known as Sin can only be defeated by the power wielded by the summoners, the use of machina is considered nothing short of heresy. As a member of the Al Bhed, a tribe dedicated almost entirely to the discovery and repair of these ancient machines, it isn't strange that Rin and everything he stands for is despisedd by good and holy Yevonites.

Ironically, despite being a living embodiment of what the Yevonite's religion preaches against, Rin is also the provider of its greatest assistance. Every ten years, Summoners must complete a pilgrimage to all the temples of Spira to gain the power to defeat Sin, which resurrects itself ten years after being defeated. While the temples are often found in cities, traveling from one to the other is a thankless, often fatal task, necessitating the presence of guardians willing to protect their summoner-- even at the cost of their lives.

To many, this was a tragedy. To Rin, however, it represented a rare opportunity.

Though the game does not go into how Rin came to run the Travel Agencies, he has evidently been operating them for some time, since they were already in use ten years ago (as seen in some of the spheres of Lord Braska's pilgrimage, and confirmed by Rin). A haven for weary summoners and their guardians, as well as for any travelers, Rin's Travel Agencies can be found even in places devoid of all other signs of human life-- and conveniently near most of the remote temples. Part shop, part inn, the Travel Agencies make travel across Spira a little easier, providing replenishment in exchange for a few Gil.

Quite a few notable events in the game take place within the Travel Agencies, but of those that directly involve Rin, one of significance is his encounter with Auron, after Braska's guardian has been mortally wounded. Rin notes that though the guardian arrived with wounds that would have killed any other man, he immediately left the following morning. While he does not voice his suspicions to Tidus, he has likely (correctly) concluded that Auron has become one of the Unsent.

After High Summoner Yuna defeats Sin and brings the Eternal Calm, there is less of a need for the Travel Agencies, but Rin proves inventive. A mere two years after the Calm has descended, he's already involved in a number of things: installing hovers instead of Chocobos as transport on the Mi'ihen highroad, creating a new game to entertain the citizens of Luca, and assisting the other Al Bhed in rebuilding Home, the Al Bhed base of operations that was destroyed when it was attacked by Yevon and the Guado. Now that Yevon's precepts no longer hold sway, Rin has been quick to use the opportunity to install machina wherever he can.

Though his interactions with Yuna and her companions are relatively cordial, a darker side of Rin is revealed when he contracts Yuna and the Gullwings to investigate a series of machina-related incidents along the Mi'ihen Highroad. Yuna's investigation reveals the machina incidents to be the results of Rin upgrading the machina's technology, and causing them to go haywire. Realizing that Rin has been working to cover up the incident all along, the Gullwings confront him, only to have him react indifferently to their accusations.

"If word got out that machina pose a danger, people would fear them and stop using them," Rin tells Yuna blandly, adding, "I firmly believe that machina are an indispensable part of Spira's development. Even if there is another incident, I intend to conceal the evidence."

With an attitude like that, no wonder people would probably enjoy punching him.

Point in Canon: After FFX-2, assuming a 100% playthrough. In addition, it assumes that the player has chosen to accuse Rin of staging the events in the "Mi'ihen Mystery" mission.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A

Character Personality:
As a businessman used to frantic accusations of swindling, Rin's default expression is set to a neutrally pleasant 'customer face,' treating the wildest of outbursts in his direction with little more than a sweet smile and faint apologies. Rin is exactly the type of man capable of infuriating others without trying, and all because of one thing: his ridiculously brisk, business-like calm, even as he cheerfully tells you you'll have to give up some organ or another to pay off your debts. Is he serious? Is he mocking? You'll probably never know for sure.

Call him a jackass (you wouldn't be the first) and he'll take it as a compliment. After all, if one must be a bastard, at least let him be a magnificent one.

Rin deals with everyone with the same, almost vicious civility-- the kind of politeness that makes you suspect that somewhere, under that too-white smile and bright false amusement, he's laughing at some private joke only he knows the punchline to. Still, at least he's perfectly willing to offer his assistance... when there's a chance he'll get to call a favor in later.

Under the glossy, customer-friendly patina, Rin's personality can be summed up in one word: ruthless. He's been canny, resourceful, and industrious enough to set up his own business and keep it running smoothly, at carving out his (fairly large) niche in a place where one least expects it. Wherever and whenever there's a chance of making a few extra cents, you can be sure the merchant's aware of it, if not already milking it for all its worth. The man's got a keen mind, and he has no hesitation whatsoever in using it to get what he wants. Rin collects information like old ladies collect hideous porcelain animals, and he's really only on one person's side: his own.

That's not to say that he's without his moments of temper or humor, but they're usually reserved for two things: his employees, and anyone who's managed to actually get under his skin and force him to invest himself in their welfare. More often than not, any humor he finds is often at the expense of another. He has odd moments of generosity, as when he teaches Tidus Al Bhed and uses his profits to aid the other Al Bhed in rebuilding Home. Of course, it may merely be a misplaced sense of patriotism: he refuses to employ anyone not fluent in Al Bhed.

Inclined to look at the long run, Rin is a firm believer in the power of progress. Rin is convinced that improving and developing technology is the way to move forward, and he's not afraid of using any means to achieve that goal. Any means, no matter how underhanded.

Despite his nosiness and decidedly unfortunate penchant for involving himself in other people's business, Rin's main flaw is a tendency to underestimate other people. Since his motives for doing things are inherently selfish most of the time, other people's concerns tend to fall by the wayside-- easily making them a potential liability.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A

Character Plans: Though he makes a name for himself in Spira as a merchant, by X-2 he's also tapping into the entertainment side of things. I expect him to make the most of his stay in Siren's Port in typical Rin fashion, i.e. setting himself up and snooping rudely into everybody's business. It's likely he'll be most intrigued by the idea of the Core, and salvaging old technology is old hat to him, so he'll probably join SERO at the nearest opportunity available to him, if he can restrain his curiosity to go hunting for the Core himself.

Appearance/PB: Official Art.

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