I never caused drama. and im very trust worthy. do you think i actually asked for this shit to happen? No one realizes that this hurt me WAY more then it hurt anyone else. He has been my boyfriend for 3 years. he knew anita for 2 weeks. You shouldnt judge me when you havent even talked to me, and specially since you have nothing to do with this situation. I dont mean to be a bitch, honestly. Im just standing up for myself. Its really fucking hard when I am the one who got fucked over...yet im the one getting blamed for everyone else' pain. I know you guys dont care about my feelings, or me..and that doesnt bother me. i just dont think its fair to say things about me when you really dont know me...
i understand you and that ashley girl trying to be protective over anita...but i really never did anything to her. i been dating brandon for 3 years and im not aloud to post pictures ? damn. i sure as hell never asked for any of this drama. im more upset then anyone that i cant continue my relationship and start new ones because of someone elses fuck ups (<--brandon's).
I wasnt being sarcastic when i told you to have a good night. i was actually going to say hello to you and your friend...but then i just figured that wasnt wanted. I dont want you to think im a bitch. thats all damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Comments 15
i leave for tour for over a month this weekend
it's funny, i just woke up just now and i had a dream that you were randomly in.
I thought it was the other way around..
sorry if i was rude
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