Hi, I'm Samantha from Dallas, Texas. I'm a funeral director apprentice working at the largest funeral home in the south. This is my Friday March 26 where I present at a career day, have a delicious lunch, see a friend in one city and see my boyfriend in another :).This is my first ADIML. 62 pictures total.
I wake up! (my clock is 40 minutes fast...shhh, its a mental thing)
Look forward and this is what I see....still slightly dark outside
I sit up in bed and ponder all the activities of my day
Do the bathroom things, freshen up and get ready!
My favorite new shirt :) I'll be rocking that and the power suit today- little nervous about career day, even though its my third year presenting
slowly stuff my legs into my spandex female torture device
my dog passed away two years ago and STILL dog hairs find their way to my clothes.. wtf? (trivia for the day- pugs shed like whoooaaaa)
It's gonna be a looonnnggg day- hope this Dove holds up!
And Blam-O! I end up looking like this!
*sigh* stuff my shoe. My right is bigger than my left so I have to buy a size up and stuff the left.
Good morning, Charmander!/ hello sun!
This is when we hit the road!
8am+Dallas+highway=traffic like whoa
Yes, I still use CDs! Ipod, who?
Oh, Hi Dallas!
Finally at the school! I was running too late to remember a time check, but this was about 8:30)
Being a presenter means free breakfast!! Huzzah!
We watch the schools jazz band perform and listen to some speeches and "thank yous"
Didn't take any pics of my first group- but my mom is the teacher at the second class! yay!
Mumzies and Charlie from the Dallas Institute of Funeral Service (my college) set up my powerpoint :)
Photo Op in the school hallway :) We had some great questions today, and we had some really random/off topic questions- about par for course!
We're offered free box lunches, but I take mine to my mom and Charlie and I go get some food down the street
My moms school is in a strange part of town called OakCliff- some of it is extremely shady bario while the other part is upandcoming artsyfartsy
Hunkys! Ah-mazing!
I'm a vegetarian in training so I get the spicy blackbean burger...yummmzzz who needs meat?
Mmmm...we split some fried mushrooms
Ahh..the Bishop Arts District (the artsyfartsy part of the OC)... I want to live here!
This home is in the Bishop Arts District and I ask my boyfriend if he likes it- he says no. haha.
I can't imagine why-- its just a fixer upper!
This house has a superman doll and nutcrackers hanging from the tree! I want to be their neighbor!
cue the happy music- this is LakeCliffTower. It's a beautiful building that the boy and I have talked about living in several times....I want to go to there ;)
Back to reality! Hai Dallas!
Around this time I arrived at.....
the grocery store! wooo-hooo?
prescription in hand and a time check!
I got 10 cents off my gas for buying my prescriptions at TomThumb...hooray!
Hello Apartment Complex
No mail :(
Gnome Sweet Gnome, indeed
No more suit! (more importantly, no more pantyhose)
Pack my stuffs (we're going on a roadtrip!)
Check the internetz- hooray, I have the Review of the Day on Yelp!
Check the groupon- and timecheck
check in with the beau. bonus time check
The drive to his town is 3 hours, so I make a smoothie for the road
I dont have a travel mug, so I make do.
hit the road,jack
My friend just moved into her own apartment in Tyler, TX, so I ask her where she it is so I can visit!
I find it, and she tells me about school and the new art classes shes taking. In this photo she is describing the poses of the models in her life drawing class.
My my time flies!
Haha, these picnic tables tell me I'm close to Kilgore. Kilgore is adorable- its a huge oil town, everything is oil themed and there is an oil museum. It is also the town I turn south in to get to my boy!
Goodbye sun :(
No, that is not rain....those are east Texas' finest bugs...dead on my windshield. But..hwy 59 means....
Nacogdoches!!!!!!!! home of Stephen F. Austin...and my boyfriend :) <3!!! (I know, I sound 12, but I adore this dude)
Timecheck in the boys apartment- hes not home yet :(
When he gets home he and I play putt-putt....
And after 5 tries I lose.
after putt-putt we watch one of my favorite shows, The Best Thing I Ever Ate, on Food Network.
I take my bc prescription, as seen at TomThumb earlier :P
When we're in Nacogdoches, we're total college kids....so its pizza and Bill Maher tonight! OMG spinach alfredo rocks my world, lol
After Bill we snuggle and fall asleep...Goodnight!!!!!!