omadanashy: urban outfitters is fucking a lot of stuff
omadanashy: namely MY FUCKING MUSIC
Polkasound: that's what happens though. Look at hottopic, it started off as a small store nobody knew of for freaks... and then the freaks all around the word [mainly] wieners embraced it and it became a worldwife phenomenon and now it's out of hand!
omadanashy: those bitches didn't inherit concert tees from their cool parents! those pussy fucks didn't go out and hunt for Slowhand on vinyl!!
Polkasound: freaks used to make their own shit
Polkasound: now they can buy it for $20.55!
omadanashy: worldwife, haha what a skank of a wife
omadanashy: i know! i hate industrialised fashion
omadanashy: where anyone can take on any persona they wish
omadanashy: "i want to be a punk!" go to hot topic
omadanashy: "i want to be a football star!" go to american eagle
omadanashy: "i want to be a pussy douche bag!" go to abercrombie
Polkasound: ugh I will throw up for you, one time I was watching some fashion tv show and at a store in California they sell vintage shirts [mostly of your fav. bands] for ridiculous prices for the rich and famous. I'm talking about $300 for a fucking Led Zeppelin original shirt... it's only worth like $2 at a thrift store
Polkasound: you can't buy authenticity!
Polkasound: not with $300 you cannot!
Polkasound: it just ain't right that way
omadanashy: "i want to rip off the hard work and soul of great rock artists that made it a point to not sell out in the 70's and 80's, but now i'm going to force them into commercialisation with my purchases!" go to URBAN FUCK ME IN THE ASS OUTFITTERS
Polkasound: lol
omadanashy: god that pisses me off
omadanashy: what the fuck
omadanashy: if you're a real zep fan in today's world, buy your tee shirt at the local head shop
omadanashy: that's what the real fans do
omadanashy: not some nicely packaged vintage wannabe store
Polkasound: don't you hate when Jessica Simpson wears vintage rock shirts and her stylist cuts them up so it looks like they're authentically torn, but they're like torn on the shoulder so it looks all professionally cut.
omadanashy: I KNOW
omadanashy: i hate when jessica simpson period.
Polkasound: jessica simpson isn't the only guily one
omadanashy: i know, her little anus fuck sister started it
Polkasound: her sister is such a poseur!
Polkasound: she had the anarchist sign on her bands drums when she played some superbowl shit
omadanashy: oh i know
Polkasound: and she had goth cheerleaders. ASHLEE FUCKING SIMPSON!
omadanashy: what the fuck is she doing
omadanashy: what the fuck, she's totally ripping off teen spirit
Polkasound: she's stupid
omadanashy: she needs to stick her arm up her ass and die of rectal complications
omadanashy: what the hell man, can't anyone else in this country see what's happening to the music?!
omadanashy: it's dying
omadanashy: it's got to be some sort of governmental conspiracy man
Polkasound: lol
omadanashy: they supress any good music and promote all this shit designed to be put in commercials to keep people from thinking and expressing themselves creatively
omadanashy: it's all a part in the quest for economic capital!
Polkasound: I think you've gone crazy now
omadanashy: they sell these albums to the brainwashed youth and generate money for the war machine
omadanashy: i'm just trying to rationalise the slaughtering of everything i love
Polkasound: I understand
omadanashy: god it's so easy to go to wal-mart and buy a fucking AC/DC or stones shirt and some ripped up jeans and look around and say "man, i'm cool!"
omadanashy: NO, YOU'RE NOT, ASSHOLE
Polkasound: wal-mart doesn't sell pretorn jeans
Polkasound: which by the way I hate
Polkasound: I hate pre-torn jeans
Polkasound: why? WHY? WHY?
omadanashy: yeah they do, either on purpose or from the angry kids in saigon who work for 2 cents a day
omadanashy: yeah pretorn jeans are stupid
omadanashy: i tear my jeans the old fashioned way
Polkasound: true true
omadanashy: pure clumsiness
Polkasound: haha that is awful!
omadanashy: haha i want to shoot a rabbit with a rifle and watch it blow up
omadanashy: In Lithuania a snowman is called "a man without brains". As a sign of protest against their government, in the winter of 2005, Lithuanians made 141 snowmen near their parliament-one for each Member of Parliament.
Polkasound: lol
Polkasound: awesome snowman info
omadanashy: haha yeah
omadanashy: why doesn't anyone protest anything anymore?
omadanashy: why don't people march to washington and have a rally where we openly say our government is full of men without brains?
omadanashy: fuck america
omadanashy: i hate this fucking country
omadanashy: i wish i could blow up every fucking inch of this tainted nation
Polkasound: me too
omadanashy: i wish i could kill all its people in brutal, cruel ways
omadanashy: i wish i could put bush's head on a stick
Polkasound: I keep hoping somebody will assasinate him, and everyday I'm surprised that it still hasn't happened
omadanashy: i wish i had a sniper rifle and could go to hollywood and take out every single stupid ass celebrity that consumes the time wasted on their unimportant lives when there could be real issues in the air
omadanashy: and i wish i could take a knife to the throats of every member of the three branches of this fucked up government
omadanashy: i wish i could insert a stick of dynamite in the rectums of every dickhead that voted for prop 2 and light the fuses and sit back and LAUGH
Polkasound: haha you so good
omadanashy: fuck america
omadanashy: this little experiment designed by those so-called forefathers failed miserably
omadanashy: this country is shit
Polkasound: you're passionate tonight
omadanashy: yeah, i hate everything tonight
omadanashy: and i have a strong urge to kill
Polkasound: LOL HAHAHA kill you're funny
Read this if you're pissed off.