I can’t stand those monotheists (Christian and Muslim, mostly) who put religious dogma over love of their fellow humans, use their religion as an excuse to hate, discriminate, attack the rights of others or do them violence, or try to insinuate their religion into government. I hate that they call their holy books the word of god when they were clearly written, edited, translated and re-translated by flawed human beings with questionable sociopolitical motives. I hate that these books say that God is a homophobe, a sexist, and a big proponent of slavery, sexual repression and violence-basically ascribing human FLAWS and current social mores to a “perfect God of pure love” in order to legitimize them. (After all, if God hates gays, it’s ok for the flock to hate gays! Yaaaaay, a sanctioned target for their bigotry and vitriol!)
I also hate that no matter how much these sort of monotheists antagonize others, attack our rights and try to force their religions down their throats, they insist that they are “good”, “in the right” and “on God’s side”. Meanwhile, they go apeshit and start raving about “the war on Christianity” or some such nonsense whenever ANYONE is even slightly critical of their beliefs or actions.
Humility. Tolerance. Compassion. Pacifism. Patience. LOOK INTO THEM, YOU GOD-BOTHERING BASTARDS. Supposedly, religion makes one a better person. SO WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR EXCUSE?
Aaarrrrghleblargle. I have dealt with way too many of these sorts live and on the Net the last few days, and it has left my back teeth perpetually hurting. Why do people like that assume the moral high ground-and then refuse to actually do the work to BE good, loving, compassionate, and generous? Do they think their faith gives them a free pass to be as big an asshole as possible or something?
…oh yeah, I forgot. “faith” gets you into Heaven, and “good works” don’t. Therefore, by their reasoning, they really CAN claim to be the only ones in the right morally while acting like heartless putzes. REAL goodness is irrelevant. To them, anyway.
Dammit, if there are truly loving and compassionate Christians, and truly peaceful and merciful Muslims, out there, why don’t THEY speak up more and do more to positively affect the world? The asshole contingent in both their faiths has become the FACE of their faiths, because the rest won’t stand up to them and show what being “Christlike” or “merciful and compassionate” really means. Where are the good guys in these faiths hiding, and why won’t they grow some ovaries/balls/intestinal fortitude and show the rest how spiritual faith and loving-kindness should be done?
((Edited because the rich text option for posting bites my ass, and apparently font appearance is more important than subject.))