'Verse: Crack Twilightverse. No, really.
Characters: Caim (me.) Ichigo (lekrystal)
Rating/Warnings: Caim is a walking R rating. So sorry.
Content: You know, there are just times when you can only take creepy fursploding and a batshit family so much.
Bottle number six and it was only, what, second hour? Sometimes, having a teacher who freely lets you walk out the bathroom is good. It gives you an excuse to walk out to the supposedly out of order bathroom a floor away, pull out the cold vodka that's sitting there and pop one open. Of course, one becomes two, becomes three, and well...
"Should've thought of this earlier," Caim sits up, stacking more of the bottles ontop of each other in a tentative pyramid between his legs. He could probably get away with not showing up to third period--- Fyurial would just come over later and ask if he was sick or something. Fourth was more or less do or die. Caim grimaces as he places the sixth bottle ontop of the others.
"Dunno why there are two of those fuckers," He mutters, moving to get the seventh. This was nigh a record, but it wasn't as if he could sleep at his own house in peace anymore, much less enjoy illegal consumption of alcohol. He moves, trying to stand in the handicapped stall, fucking rail---
---and there went his pyramid in a loud shatter.
...Dammit, that didn't bode well.
"....Whatever," Annoyed, Caim kicks at some of the glass, pushing open the stall door open. Fuck it, going to class probably wasn't a good idea at this point.