Warren S. Thompson, writing in 1935 on The Optimum Population: " I rebel at being considered merely part of a producing organism, a fighting organism, or a breeding organism. Such treatment is not consistent with human dignity" pg. 198, in the commentary section of a 1976 publication of Malthus' Essay on the Principle of Population
This quote links back to an earlier discussion I had with lyght:
"Most of the 'services' living systems provide cannot be duplicated by people and thus in effect cannot be monetized. They are irreplaceable necessities; money cannot remedy damage to them." In From Apocalypse to Way of Life by F. Buell, 2004.
I took a bus to Chicago to visit family for Thanksgiving instead of a plane, partially because I'm sick of planes and pissed off at the TSA, and partially to get a giant load of work done. When I'm stuck on a bus with nothing but work to do, I'm highly productive! So here are quotes from 2 books that I read and took notes on during the trip
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There are a lot of reasons why I don't like World Risk Society by Ulrich Beck (1999) - phrases such as "politics of politics", "whenever expert rationalities come into contradiction, there are indicators of institutionally constructivistic 'objectivity' of the hazard indicators" (pg. 129, and without explanation of the terms used), the fact that
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