What's ok/not ok to talk about around him/her? Anything really, he might be disturbed or annoyed, but you can say whatever you want.
Shapeshifting/Bodyswitching: I would like to be asked first.
Mind control: I would also like to be asked first on this, but usually yes. Note he might smite you when free.
Mind reading: Go ahead, I'm fine with it, don't even need to ask. He will hate you though.
Deceit (Lies, manipulation, illusions, etc):If you can actually trick him, feel free. He's very smart and trusts no one, so good luck.
Minor insults (spiting at, stepping on, throwing non-lethal objects at, etc): He'll not like you and might get you back one day, but go ahead he's too weak to stop you. [DO IT I find his hatred fun to play]
Non-violent physical contact (hugging, kissing, etc): He'll hate it and get annoyed, but feel free to try. If you manage to get him to like you, he might just allow it without complaint. [I am happy with him being cuddle tortured]
Sexual situations: He'll get reaaaaally awkward and more then likely flip out unless you can manage to get close to him. [I, however, am fine with him being put in terrible and awkward situation, they amuse me, you can rape him for all I care >>]
Fighting: He will smack the holly shit out of your shins and groin. He can not actually fight for his muscle do not exist, but feel free to anyway, he's smart enough to put up a good defense.
Serious injury: Beat the living crap out of him, I torture my muses.
Death (intentional or accidental): Ask first, but usually it's an okay.
Special notes: I'm open to nearly anything, just ask.