college will look up. with parents, you don't have much time, but realistically, you do. you'll find the right one. it will be fine.
congratulations again on frisbee =) just think of it this way: at least you have something that can make you feel really good about yourself. Maybe it's not what you expected, but at least it's there, you know? and at least there are no regrets. that's the best part =)
I know we had that whole mess or whatever, but I am here to talk if you need to. venting, advice getting, whatever... I love you! You'll be fine. I promise =)
congrats on the frisbee ryan! and btw someone was like"ooh try out for lil' shop" but the only part for me would be like seymour but dude... u dont even know how perfect it is for u! i have no words to describe it cuz u just seem to fit it like, gah... i dunno...but hey if u ever need to tlk or need someone to listen to... my ears are a-open!
ps cant wait for 3rd period AP english! its gonna rock... or so we think...hmmm...
heyy...just a thought...maybe you could try writing your college essay about something related to you and frisbee? i'm sure its not something they see very often and it seems like something you really love to do. might be worth a shot.
Comments 12
college will look up. with parents, you don't have much time, but realistically, you do. you'll find the right one. it will be fine.
congratulations again on frisbee =) just think of it this way: at least you have something that can make you feel really good about yourself. Maybe it's not what you expected, but at least it's there, you know? and at least there are no regrets. that's the best part =)
I know we had that whole mess or whatever, but I am here to talk if you need to. venting, advice getting, whatever... I love you! You'll be fine. I promise =)
ps cant wait for 3rd period AP english! its gonna rock... or so we think...hmmm...
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