Memes: Character Survey

Jan 05, 2011 00:19

Body and Appearance

1. Describe the character's height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy?

He's around 5"4. For reference, I'm comparing his height to Yuki's and Kyo's recorded height at the end of the animated series. Since both growing a bit taller by the cannon point I stole Momiji from, I added an inch or two. Basically I compared him to the panels he stands beside Kyo in chapter 111.

He's rather thin, but not in a sickly way. Despite his growth spurt, he's still on the smaller side which can easily be attributed to his abundance of energy.

2. How old is he?

16, his birthday’s Nov.3

3. Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well or does he slouch?

He has very good posture when walking/running/moving, and usually while he’s standing. When sitting he leans on whatever is nearby, be it a table, wall, or another person. If he’s standing around people he knows, there’s a good chance he’s all up on them.

He doesn’t slouch much; proper posture has been drilled into him by his violin instructor.

4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?

Momiji is a healthy lad, or at least he was back home. He's in fit enough, though not muscled or well trained in the least. His hyper activity allows him to burn off most of what he eats. However, he does tend to over indulge on sweets and junk food, and without supervision can veer off his healthy diet.

He has no illnesses or physical problems, though his poor health choices do mean that he can burn out quickly and is a lot weaker than most of his family.

It should be noted that while Momiji’s not someone who engages in much physical training or general exercise, he is naturally very quick. This is thanks to the rabbit traits gained from his curse.

5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?

Momiji is a fairly graceful person. Despite his antics, he’s rarely had a clumsy moment and most of his movements are very energetic. He only gets tense when he’s facing some inter turmoil, in which case he over compensates for his usual grand gestures and does so in a stiff sort of way. As stated above, he’s very quick and tends to move fast.

6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror?

Canonically, Momiji is extremely attractive. Most of the Sohma's are gawked at for their supermodel looks and Momiji is no exception. Both sides of his family are noted for their beauty and have passed that trait to him. In his early appearances he declared to be the most 'cute' but eventually grows up to be noted as 'very handsome'.

Momiji himself knows he's good looking. He’s not openly vain about it, but can and will use it to his advantage if he thinks he needs to. He accentuates his looks, which fall on the more feminine side, with clothing, accessories, jewelry, and at times cosmetics. He’s not going to go around declaring his looks, but is always unhappy to find out people don’t agree that he’s cute.

7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?

His skin is clear and well cared for. He’s on the lighter side as far as color goes, but he’s got more of a darker pink under tone coming from his mother rather than the paler white-ish appearance of his Japanese father. He doesn’t tan easily but will burn well. Since he’s scrapped by with very minimal (as far as the others go) abuse from Akito, he has few scars. He has a small and mostly unnoticeable one his left check from one rare run in with Akito.

8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style.

He has golden blond hair that has a slight yellow tone. He keeps it in slightly longer strands that hit around the tops of his ears and lay on the nape of his neck. His bangs hit the top of his eyes, sometimes a little longer or shorter depending on when he last got it cut.

9. What color are his eyes?

He has lighter yellow-brown eyes.

10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?

His hair color makes him stand out a lot in his home country. His features a more Caucasian then Japanese, but otherwise he doesn’t stand out much in terms of natural looks.

He does have both ears pierced and wears different colored studs in them. His clothing style and amount of accessories along with his love of nail polish tend to make him noticeable.

11. What are his chief tension centers?

Legs and back from all his movement.

12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he have six of the same suit?

Momiji likes girly, feminine, and cute. He enjoys clothes and had a very large wardrobe back in his world. He had so many clothes that he’d never worn many of them and had forgotten some even existed.

In the City his closets a little more limited and he was some more toned down outfits for work. But he still loves his ruffles and embellishments. He does have some more normal clothes, like polos and jeans, but they’re usually kept for ‘off’ days.

Most of his clothes are brightly colored or pastel, with a vast amount of pink and pale blue. He also has lots of neutrals. He does own a few ‘punky’ outfits, just as back home, which he’ll sometimes wear. There is at least one skirt in his closet but he wears it over pants like this . He would never wear it alone. At least not in public.

13. Do his clothes fit well? Does he seem comfortable in them?

His clothes are mostly tailored to suit him in the way he wants them to. As he’s gotten older his clothes have gotten tighter in fit. He’s not going to wear skinny jeans anytime soon, but his clothes are ‘fit’ to him. Several outfits back home were made especially for him by Ayame and having the snake around meant that even store bought outfits would always be ready to suit him.

He’s very comfortable in his clothes, as he only wears things that he thinks makes him cute and picks them out carefully.

14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time? If not, what are the differences?

Since he started working at the toy shop, he’s toned down his wardrobe. His clothes aren’t as frilly or feminine when he works. He usually sticks to button down dress shirts and slacks when on the job. He does accessorize to make the outfits feel finished and to give them flair. He tends to wear different types of ties/bow ties/ribbons with the shirts and wears multiple rings. He’ll sometimes wear suspenders, or suit jackets. Even when dressed up he’s still flashy and the shirts and accessories with often have girlish embellishments like lace or flower pins.

He keeps in his earrings, but tries to make his polish a more natural or non flashy color if he wears it at all. He wears surprisingly sensible shoes.

15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?

He wears boxers a lot of the time and will often stick to bower-briefs, but some outfits just call for sometime a little tighter underneath. In those cases he wears briefs or something that borderlines on being panties. No matter what it is, the underwear must meet his ‘cute’ needs. Most of it is either pink or has some adorable thing printed on it.


1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?

His voice is in the higher range for males, going more towards a male soprano.

2. How does he normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he talk easily, or does he hesitate?

He speaks quickly and excitedly but doesn’t slur or skip over words. His voice carries his emotions and is always toned by what he’s thinking at the time. He’s also quite loud when speaking and has to conscientiously make himself speak lower when inside.

3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?

When speaking German or English he gets a slight rasp and thickness to his tone. Especially when speaking English he’ll over enunciate words, especially his r’s and l’s to avoid the general Japanese way of confusing the two. His English carries a German accent as he’s kind of connected the two languages in his mind. As such a lot of words come out harsh sounding. A lot of words he pronounces by German guidelines instead of English.

4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency?

He speaks both Japanese and German fluently, and carries the appropriate accent for both. His English is coming along, but he still has trouble with some words. If he doesn’t know a term for something he tends to just say it in German, a habit he has when speaking Japanese as well.

5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations?

German is his favorite language to speak, but he mostly sticks to Japanese as he doesn’t know many people who can understand him otherwise. In the City he speaks English for the benefit of everyone else, but uses Japanese to any friends who can speak it. If excited, surprised, or experiencing heavy emotions he ends up speaking German. Most of the time the switch to it is unconscious and most of the time he doesn’t bother to translate himself.

6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words?

While he can and often acts like someone who’s good at talking on the fly, Momiji likes being able to think about what he’s saying beforehand. Especially when he’s in a serious conversation.

7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?

He’s actually rather eloquent when he’s got something he feels he needs to say. It would take severe emotional distress to change that about him.

Mental and Emotional

1. How intelligent is this character? Is he book-smart or street-smart?

He’s smart but not terribly good in class. He’s rather average in school. He has little to no knowledge of the streets and wouldn’t know the first thing about survival on them.

2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate?

Again, he acts like someone who does and he definitely can, but he’s the type to really think through big decisions. Of course the criteria he holds for decision making might not be the best of most logical, but he does like weighing his options.

3. Describe the character's thought process. Is he more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?

Emotional, intuitive and idealistic. He acts mostly off of what he feels and his emotions color his decisions. He holds up lots of ideals over basic facts and always is looking for the deeper meaning in people.

4. What kind of education has the character had?

He went to a very nice elementary school with the other cursed children and to a very prestigious all boy middle school. For high school he went to a lesser, public school in order to be closer to Tohru and his family. Currently he’s going to Xaiver’s and taking the basic classes.

5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about?

He’s fairly knowledgeable on about violin and music in general. He’s also good with people; knowing what makes them tick and good with emotions.

He’s interested in languages and travel and would love to learn more about either. Since magic is a very real thing in the City, he’d love to know about it. If given the opportunity he’d be interested to learn more about curses specifically.

6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?


7. Describe the character's temperament. Is he even-tempered or does he have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?

Cheerful x100. He loves being happy and making others happy. He’s bubbly and looks forward to each new day. He rarely shows a sad face to the world and tends to make the best of everything.

8. How does he respond to new people or situations? Is he suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?

Excited! He loves new people and new things and will make himself comfortable with most situations.

9. Is he more likely to act, or to react?

He acts, on everything. He’s always the first to jump on an idea or try to do something new. He’s also a pretty enthusiastic reactor to whatever gets thrown his way.

10. Which is his default: fight or flight?

Flight, he’s not and will probably never be a fighter. In any tense situation he would rather find a way to talk it out or to find someone else to take care of it. However if push comes to shove he will try to protect the people around him, even if that just means acting as a punching bag until everyone else can get away. When it comes to protecting himself, he either takes off running or will simply allow the other person to hurt him.

11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does he appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?

He loves laughing and can find most things funny. However he is not a fan of jokes about serious matters and only likes pranks if they don’t go to ‘far.’

12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he deal with them? No, but his carries a lot of issues surrounding abandonment and loss. He’s been both physically and mentally abused since childhood so he carries emotional scars from that.

13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person?

-His childhood with his mother’s anger and neglect.

-His mother’s abandonment and memory erasure at his father’s suggestion.

-Being left at a very young age to live alone.

-Starting violin lessons and making a life goal.

-His sister’s birth.

-Starting to spy on his family from afar.

-Meeting Tohru.

-Going to Kaibara High.

-Falling in love with Tohru.

-Standing up to Akito

-Finding out his sister wants to meet him, but being unable to make it happen.

-Letting Tohru go in favor of supporting Kyo.

-Being imported and realizing Akito doesn’t exist here.

-Making friends, getting a job, learning to be self sufficient.

-The car accident and subsequent talks that are very, very slowly leading him to realize he needs to deal with some of his issues.

14. What does he fear?

Being abandoned is the big one. He’s also afraid of the people he loves being hurt because of him, and of his mother finding him out and rejecting him again.

15. What are his hopes or aspirations?

He wants to be a violinist and wants to have a family someday. More than anything he wants to be accepted and loved by people.

16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him?

He doesn’t like talking about his anger or bitterness towards his parents decisions. He refuses to hear any ill word towards his mother. He doesn’t like letting people know how deep rooted his issues are and isn’t willing to talk about anything negative concerning his own feelings in fear of losing the people around him.


1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents.

Complicated. His mother abandoned him because of what he was and had her memories of him erased. His father not only allowed this, but suggested it and has been fairly absent in his life. He loves them both dearly, but has some bitter feelings towards their treatment of him.

2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?

He has a younger sister named Momo, who’s still in elementary school. There is no relationship between them as Momo doesn’t know Momiji is her brother. However, he does love her from watching her in secret and she has similarly been watching him. She wants him to pretend to be her brother, but the two are unable to meet.

3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand?

He gets along fairly well with most of the other curse members and Kazuma. He’s not terribly close to any of them and is even less so with the older generation. He doesn’t particularly hate any of them, though he doesn’t approve of Akito’s methods. He has no relationship with Kureno what so ever.

4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family? What are his relationships with them?

Tohru, she’s his closest friend and the only person from the ‘outside’ to be let in on all of the family secrets.

5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet?

Tohru is his best friend. He met her at his father’s company where she works as a cleaning lady. He became close to her through her connection to the family and went to her high school to be closer. She’s the only person he’s told about his dreams and feelings regarding his parents, and she’s one of the few that has been able to see past his cheeriness and know the person he really is. Regardless of his romantic feelings for her, he does love her as a friend and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her.

6. Does he have other close friends?

Back home the only other people he spent a lot of time around were Kyo, Yuki, and Haru. However he held most of the younger curse members close to him.

Here in the City he’s gained a few people who aren’t exactly at best friend/familial level but are people he likes to be around and considers more than others. He’s grown very attached to Bakura for all he’s done to help him already, and to Lyra for her own way of making him comfortable in the City. Darkrai gets a special bond from him; he’s saved Momiji’s life and that’s something Momiji won’t forget anytime soon.

Momiji has also gotten quickly fond of John Henry, since he’s one of the few who has willing to help him when he needed it most. People who show him kindness in dark times are the people Momiji feels the most need to be around and care for, so these people have earned his respect above others for their actions.

7. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people?

He’s friendly enough to draw people to him quickly and he has made many people into something of friends. But most of those people are only friends in the loosest definition of the term. He has trouble showing all of himself, negatives included to others and that stops many connections from being truly deep.

8. Which does he consider more important: family or friends?


9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once?


10. Is he currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?

No. Cheating is bad and wrong and why would you ever?

11. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest?

His first crush was probably some Sohma kid from the outer walls who he played with. It’s been long enough, and it wasn’t serious enough, for him to really remember who they were.

His latest was Tohru, who also qualifies as his first love. This is the one sided romance he’s trying to get over.

12. What does he look for in a romantic partner?

Kindness is the biggest factor when looking for someone to love. He likes people who are loving and are capable of showing that love to the people around them. He needs someone who can show affection in public as he’s a very touchy person. The person must also be understanding and cannot judge his family life negatively. He’s partial to darker hair, and likes a little length to it.

He prefers someone attractive, with a female that means someone who can pull off looking ‘cute’ rather than someone ‘sexy’. He rather the girl is shorter than him, but that’s not such a big deal. He doesn’t care much about things like breast size or dress size like other people might. However he’s not too fond of too much skin being shown off. He likes his ladies well dressed and classy.

When it comes to guys, he carries similar criteria. However the other man should be taller and needs to be the pursuer as he’s not as openly or even consciously attracted to men as women.

13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he relate to them? If no, does he want any?

No, but he does want children someday.

14. Does he have any rivals or enemies?

Kyo is something of a rival back home, even if the rivalry is one sided. They’re both after the same girl and though Momiji has realized his defeat, he still holds a little bitterness towards the other boy.

In the City he has really yet to make an enemy, though he holds negative feelings towards Lyra’s attacker and the man who killed Bakura. He’s a little wary of Him, but has nothing to really back up that feeling.

15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does he fall on the Kinsey scale?

Somewhere between a one and a two, leaning closer to one. The only person he’s ever loved or been interested in was a female and at the end of the series he announces his intent to find a cute girlfriend. Males don’t typically cross his mind in the way females do. However he has no problems with homosexuality and may have a relationship with a guy if the circumstances turn out right. In the case of males, the other guy would have to be making the first moves as that’s simply not how he thinks. With girls, he typically tries to be the one making the moves.

16. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him?

Not very. For one, he’s a minor. More importantly, being cursed really puts a damper on any sort of sexual activity. He’s more inclined to girls than boys and having a sexual relationship with a female would be very difficult. And there’s the little fact that Akito tends to seriously injury or erase the memories of anyone who gets too close to a Sohma. He’s also the type to really wait a while in a relationship to introduce those kinds of activities. And yes, he must be in a relationship before considering it. He doesn’t think it’s the most vital thing is a good relationship and would be content to have it happen.

That being said he is a teenage boy and he does think about these things. After all he did want to see Tohru in the hot springs. He has just realized that it’s not something he could feasible act on at this time in his life.

17. What are his turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?

He’s a virgin so he’s really hasn’t anything to compare to! But he’s not willing to engage in anything with someone who’s into bestiality (just because he can be a rabbit doesn’t mean his partner should like it), or anyone who likes it rough/painful or S&M. He’s spent most of his life being abused and watching people he cares about being abused and doesn’t want even a playful hint of it from his partner. He’d prefer to have his partner take it slow and not introduce anything off the wall until they’ve been together a while.


1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he fit type?

Regardless of actual sign, all his traits canonically come from his association with the Rabbit.

2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life?

Neither. He already has a ‘god’ and being around her has lessened his interest in any sort of religion.

3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?

Protect others and remember that everyone has the potential for good. Live and let live. Remember everything and become strong enough so that bad memories or events cannot hurt you. Family is everything and be happy with what you have in life.

All come from his upbringing and are only compromised if one contradicts another in the situation at hand.

4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?

Tolerant and mostly indifferent. If you’re from a totally different world, say a fairy or alien shows up, then he holds some interest but its fleeting and nothing will really stick with him.

5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them?

He hasn’t any prejudices against anything. However, he doesn’t quite like anyone who would abandon someone else without good reason. He won’t straight out hate the person, but would be less inclined to want to be around them. It all goes back to his own issues with the subject.

Daily Life

1. What is the character's financial situation? Is he rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?

In cannon, Momiji comes from a very well off family. His dad owns one of the more successful Sohma businesses, the Sohma's are not exactly hurting for anything, and it can be assumed his mom has been used to a ritzier lifestyle. He's no billionaire, but he's got more than enough. Additionally, all the curse members are given a nice monthly allowance from the estates.

In the City, he's getting by. It's not the life he's been used to, but he's making enough to pay the bills and keep up his sugar consumption.

2. What is his social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him?

Back home he was fairly popular and got along great with all his classmates. They all humored his childish antics and tended to treat him as the class little brother. When he finally started to be an adult, they all acted like their son was all grown up and moving away. Basically he's been a well liked guy.

In the City, he's much more a face in the crowd than he's used to. But things like popularity don't really bother him. As long as someone's paying attention, he's fine.

3. Where does he live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home his castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he share it with others?

He currently is living alone in the MAC, in an apartment on one of the upper floors. It’s well kept and clean, and it is well decorated. But it’s not somewhere he enjoys spending a lot of his time. He usually stays out as much as he can and avoids being home too much unless for sleep or eating. Even then he invites neighbors for dinner regularly or just eats out.

4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on?

Junk food and candy and lots of both. He also buys a lot of clothes and accessories and bunny things. He saves up for gifts and trips when holidays are approaching.

5. What does he do for a living? Is he good at it? Does he enjoy it, or would he rather be doing something else?

He's currently part time working at Upper West Toys. I suppose he's pretty good at it, at least he's the type to be giving it his all. He's a very enthusiastic worker.

He likes his job! He's getting to work with his friends which makes pretty happy. And he’s around toys and kids while there.

6. What are his interests or hobbies? How does he spend his free time?

Momiji collects rabbit themed things, from toys to decorations. He enjoys collecting clothes and accessories as well. He likes playing games, even childish ones like cops and robbers. He also likes low contact sports, like badminton or table tennis.

However his biggest interest is in music. He’s been studying the violin for many years and takes it very seriously. Here in the City, he’s yet to buy one but since things have calmed down he’s on the lookout for one in his price range.

7. What are his eating habits? Does he skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?

Junk food and sweets all the time. He likes other foods too, like barbecue and traditional Japanese dishes. He gets take out and eats at restaurants when he can. He's not that good of a cook and never had to do it for himself up until arriving in the City.

He's always snacking between meals. He's got lollipops or chips or candy bars stashed in his bag. He's totally grabbing a few bites in between classes. The only foods he avoids are really sour or bitter foods. He's indifferent to spicy things; he won’t choose them himself but will eat them if they are around.

He doesn't skip meals unless he's ill. Even then, he'd still try to eat. If he denies candy, than you know something’s horribly wrong with him. He's not going to go for alcohol unless really pressured into it or given it without his knowledge.


Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite:

1. Color? Pink

2. Smell? Chocolate/baked goods and a hint of outdoors

3. Time of day? Early afternoon

4. Season? Summer

5. Book? Fairytales or fables

6. Music? Classical pieces, especially ones that are a little melancholy

7. Place? Parks or backyards

8. Substance? ?

9. Plant? Summer flowers

10. Animal? Rabbit, what other choice would there be?

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