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Comments 117

[voice/video] beaglenapper March 15 2011, 14:26:45 UTC
Oh! I've tribbles where I'm from. Here---this is Nellie:

[Scotty holds the small cooing ball of fur up to the journal's video camera, so that Sayo can observe her.]


Re: [voice/video] Google tells me that these are so cuuuute *.* whats_a_sneeze March 16 2011, 04:51:57 UTC
Tribbles....? I've never heard of those before!

[Hey there little fella!]

O-oh, but where are its... eyes... and face...


YES. beaglenapper March 16 2011, 14:36:13 UTC
Nope! No eyes! No face! No external bits, apart from the fur, really. [The ball of fur vibrates happily.]


whats_a_sneeze March 16 2011, 21:52:34 UTC
What? Really? But... how does it know where it's going, though?


[Voice] paradoxwraith March 15 2011, 15:33:36 UTC
Which would you prefer to hear about first: the living or the dead?


Re: [Voice] whats_a_sneeze March 16 2011, 04:54:00 UTC
... I-I would think the living is the only thing people know much of.


[Voice] paradoxwraith March 16 2011, 15:08:32 UTC
[If they only knew...]

The two dominant creatures during the time of my rebirth were vampires and humans. Most of the vampire clans had been hunted down to near extinction, having grown far too feral and primal to survive. Those were offspring of my brethren grew stronger yet twisted depending on who ruled their particular clan.


Re: [Voice] whats_a_sneeze March 16 2011, 21:54:43 UTC
[Holy crap, a little at a time, bro, she's not as savvy as some are.]

Ah-vampires? What are those?

[She kind of forgot about learning of them, prior. :|a]


[Voice] gomugomunopwn March 15 2011, 16:53:56 UTC
Hey, there's a creature in my world called Mushi too! It's called a Den Den Mushi! You use it to talk to each other kinda like the journals here.


Re: [Voice] whats_a_sneeze March 16 2011, 04:55:13 UTC
Really? And you can use it to... speak to each other? How does one speak through animals, though?

[Because animals are far different than books. 8|]


[Voice] gomugomunopwn March 16 2011, 16:09:26 UTC
Ah... [He has no idea how exactly it works.]

I don't really know exactly how it works. You talk to one of them and then it sends a signal to the other and then that one tells the other people what you said.


Re: [Voice] whats_a_sneeze March 16 2011, 21:55:53 UTC
Amazing! I've never heard of a creature capable of that!

[Should Ginko ever tell her about the letter-sending cocoons in her world, she'll make it a literal note to tell you, Luffy-san. 8D]

And those are your way of speaking to each other at home when you're far apart?


[voice] noprevaricating March 15 2011, 17:50:33 UTC
Weevils. Rats. Flies. Mr. Styles.


Re: [voice] whats_a_sneeze March 16 2011, 04:56:37 UTC
Oh, I definitely know what flies are [today]! And rats, too-I'd just learned about them recently, actually!

... Though I've never heard of Mr. Styleses. What are they like?


[voice] noprevaricating March 16 2011, 04:59:00 UTC
No-no, Sayo. Mr. Styles is someone I knew. I was jesting.


Re: [voice] whats_a_sneeze March 16 2011, 21:57:06 UTC
Ah, I see! [She manages a little laugh at that, her mood already improving since opening up her journal.] Who's Mr. Styles? A fellow soldier from home? Or perhaps just a friend?


[voice] no_use_running March 15 2011, 19:31:45 UTC
I suppose you mean the youma and pierrot.


Re: [voice] whats_a_sneeze March 16 2011, 04:57:29 UTC
Youma? Pierrot? You'll have to tell me about them, Ami-chan! I don't think I've ever heard of those before.


Re: [voice] no_use_running March 16 2011, 05:00:49 UTC
They were monsters. Our enemy used them. They were even able to turn humans into youma.

[There's the faintest catch in her voice. She takes a breath and goes on.]

But that's past now.


Re: [voice] whats_a_sneeze March 16 2011, 21:58:21 UTC
Oh, I see... Humans were able to turn into them as well? That sounds like it made your work a lot more dangerous for you.


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