Anono comments anyone?

Nov 12, 2010 11:00

I can't seem to scramble my brain into shape to say anything intelligent about the current political landscape, and I'm not about to post a video of me doing my flabbergasted goldfish impression, so does anyone fancy lightening this turgid grey Friday with some anon comments? Go wild, go crazy, just don't be cruel. I'm off to wrangle html for a bit ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

anonymous November 12 2010, 13:41:29 UTC
Will anyone notice if I go to sleep under my desk?


whatsagirlgotta November 12 2010, 13:44:14 UTC
Lone Reader, I'd need more background to tell, however I have identified a potential nap location in my own office. Though of course I'd only use it outside working hours. Do you have such an opportunity?


anonymous November 12 2010, 14:39:58 UTC
I have located a new spot under an empty desk belonging to a coworker. I just need everyone else to leave the office and then I can vanish there.


whatsagirlgotta November 12 2010, 15:48:29 UTC
I recommend manufacturing some kind of distraction or throwing your voice and "shouting" cake.


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