public post, just because there are people in it who don't use livejournal.
rawrr okay so I guess it's time for the "i'll miss you guys so much!" entry. Well everyone knows how MY year was. haha I think i get myself in wayy too much shit, but hey, it's all good, right?
Ok guys, if I missed any of you, it's only because I don't have a picture. So don't get all pissy with me. kthanks.
"you and your lovers! gosh!" hahahahhaah i love you forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. since last summer, you've been nothing but an amazing friend and i'm really thankful to have you. we had some good times in lafraniere's this year, and i'll miss you. so we have to get together. <3
I'M YOUR CHELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!! =] i love you. i loved having you next to me all year in lafraniere's and i'll definately miss you. I LOVE YOUR HOUSE AND SCOOBY, PEBBLES...AND WHATEVER THE OTHER ONE WAS. I LOVE HOW I WAS TERRIFIED OF SCOOBY. hahahahahahahah we're getting together over summer.
i've had a lot of fun with you this year. we've become so close this year it's crazy. & happy birthday again haha. i hope you had an amazing year. never stop dancing, or being the weird you that you are. JUICY BABYYYYYYY hahaha i love you. <3
paullllllllllllllllllllllllllll i made the coolest birthday card for you. haha thank you soo much for always talking to me. i'm so glad you were there for those icky times =] <3
OMFG YOU WERE THE MOST FUCKING HILARIOUS BABY EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA GANGSTER BABY!??!?! WTF WAS THAT!!! I LOVE YOU! i'm your ELLE! forever and ever. lol wow we better hang out this summer. running away from the blonde kid was fun. and always telling you when our song went on the radio was fun too. hahahah i lovers you!! <3
Jeff & Nick (sorry i don't have separate pictures of you.)
Jeff, hahahaha you're the coolest p.e. buddy ever. thanks for having your "personal issues" with me. oh & thanks for all the times you yell at me for not doing my "workout wednesday." hahahahah
Nick, yayyyyyyy!! years over. no more school. oh boy. summer. joy. how boring. i think i'll go to sleep. stand up! now sit down and be quiet! kthanks. have a great summer. you're so cool. i hope i can come to your party. except you know my dad might not let me cause i didn't make him dinner. BBBBBBBUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTT. kloveyoubye.
lol i honestly DON'T know where to start. p.e. buddy. math buddy. i hate...whatever buddy. critisizing buddy. pinch my fat buddy. haaahahaha "rachelle! i'm on my lady time, and i still do p.e.!!" lol i love you Annananananananna!!<3
People of the world, SPICE UP YOUR LIFE! hahhhahahah spice girls buddy, i lovers youu. hahaha &your house&your shoes&bla bla bla whatever else i wrote in your yearbook. =] i have too much to say about you. but we did make it more than 2 months =O hahahahhahahahah <3333333333333333333333
Shelbby, ='[
i'm going to missss youuuuuuuuuuuuuu sooooooooooooo muchhhh. five years. you have been my friend all five years. and you have always been there for me. and i loved that your shared your REALLY RREALLY emo times with me. hahahaha rawr please come visit. i want to hang out over summer. k? kthanks. i love you shekbby. =[ <333333333333333333333333333333
Brenda, I have no words for you. Just wow. You're amazing and you've always been there for me and you always will be, or else i'll kill you. It's been what? 6 or 7 years? & everyday, you only get more blonde. =] haha jk i love you. If we don't hang out this summer, it will be my first summer without you in 6 years. =\ i'm really mad. I mean, I haven't seen you for a little over a month and I miss you like a mother..imagine a whole summer. and then school starts and we won't have time to get together, as usual. But I still love you and your diable poop hammers, and harrison being in love with you, and teen camp, and camp kaleidescope, and drowning at Zuma, and me surfing on boogie boards..then flying on my ass, eating sandwiches then having them being stolen by either a squirrel or a seagul. =] there's just too much to write. i love you. <3
Hannah, WSUP NIGGAAAA!? hahaha JooMos for life, bitchess. I love you and you're AzN. & I love our raps, and that my name is Cracker. AND I LOVE NOHO..except for me almost being ran over by two stupid fucking cars that refuse to stop. What assholes. lol i'm really glad we became best friends this year and that you would always be there for me for know. lalalala i don't know what to write. BARK BARK MEOW! BARK BARK MEOW! ROAR!! RAWR!! ROAR!! RAWR!! hahahahah that's always fun. or hearing my dog talk. or making fun of adorable girls who were crying. i still feel bad. hahahahha you're the best. AzN & CrAcKeR for life. we're going to get together like 32984729387234 times this summer. k?kthanks.
Moe, wow. I'm not going to mention any of the dumbass fights because..just because. I love your house& iguana& american vintage& our pants& our shoes& amazon& our pictures& our notebook& you& your squished bananas? HAHAH& your dog& your tv& our that's so raven favorite episodes. *BOYS! WE ARE THE BOYS IN MOTION!!* hahhahahahahahah Thanks for everything. You are truely amazing and i'll love you forever and ever. I really hope I can go toSD with you next week. & I really hope you can go to hurricane harbor. =] I want you to have the most amazing birthday everrrrr. which you will. with me. haha& my mom. at hurrican harbor. i love you i love you i love you. hahaha JAMAICA MON'! OH YEAH WE'RE GOING TO JAMAICA FOR OUR SWEET SIXTEENS. OK? OK. THEN WE CAN MISS OUR FLIGHT PURPOUSLY AND BECOME THOSE BUMS WHO JUST SIT AND ENJOY LIFE WITH THEIR MARIJUANA. =] k? k.
Alyssa, I told you everything already. I love you. & i'm ALWAYS here for you. i loved our carpools =]. hanging out this summer. my second favorite AzN. hahaahahahahahahhahaha neener neener neener!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! buss buddies for life, bitchessss. =P<33
No Jorge, I didn't forget you. =]
Jorge, don't even get me started with the KFC, or Franklin, or Hubert, or Lil' Bill, or Boots, or Dora. Hey gorgeous. roflll hahahahhahahahha i love you baby. we've had soooo many fucking good times. I love that we stare at Celso&Daphne..then get all sad. haha that's always fun. I'm going to miss you trying to stab me in the ass with the safety pin or whatever over summer. or the ass slapping or the playing with lil'bill. =] i think we should go see batman tomorrow. YOUR PLAN: "Hey rachelle, tomorrow when we go to see can makeout with franklin since i'll be too busy watching the movie!" ahhahaha THANKS. that's wonderful. you're so amazing and just rawr i love you. i love that you're the one who's afraid of big rides. i love that you think i'm retarded, but think it's hilarious. i love my nicknames. & i just love you. you're my world & the past year has just been amazing. even with all the bad times, we just grow stronger after them. yayyyyyyyyyyy for chunksters and sir pimp a lot. <3
I love you guys, and remember if you're not in there, I don't have a picture. But I still love you. =] <3