[At first there's only audio - the sound of someone fiddling with the electronics for a minute or two - before the video flicks on. Sarah looks up at the camera, then down at a keypad before doing a double take, realizing the video recording is now working.]
Hello? Hello? Testing? Great.
[Satisfied, she settles down and leans forward to make her
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Comments 65
[Brief pause here while she checks to be sure.]
You're the one who gave...Comrade his Tetris game, right?
I don't know his name. Sorry.
It was meant as a sort of joke, but as frequently happens with him, the joke has taken on a life of its own. He's my inmate; has been for over a year now.
I don't generally recommend video games as a means of handling one's inmate, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
I didn't realize these had a function for privacy. That's handy.
O'Brien, huh.
He seems to be enjoying himself, at least. It's better than sitting and brooding about the nature of life, the universe, and the Party, right?
[Pause... nah, not important.]
Pardon me. How do you do? I'm the Doctor; I look after the library here. If it hasn't been offered already, I'll be happy to answer questions you may have, or perhaps show you around.
[Aaand pause again.]
...But if you find yourself easily derailed by addressing several people of the same name, feel free to call me Dr. von Wer.
[Shrug. She doesn't look particularly perturbed about it.]
Warden-inmate bonding, I guess?
[Annnd moving on.]
No one offered; I was going to see who else responded to my journal entry here and then go have a look around.
I think I can handle the name thing. Armand St. Just, vampire Armand, it's not that hard. I didn't realize there was a level of professionalism, though. Doctor, it is.
There isn't, that I know of. For the majority of me, it's simply our name, though professionalism does enter for others--the infirmary staff, for example. At any rate, should you like the company as you explore, I'd be happy to provide it. Otherwise, the library is on the fifth level if you find yourself in need or want of it.
[Pause. Okay, he HAS to ask.]
...He wasn't actually shot, was he?
You know, Doc, I wouldn't mind the company at all.
[Pause and a bemused expression.]
And...ah...no, he wasn't actually shot. I think she was just warning them off. Someone you know?
[OOC: She won't be able to do the tour right away because she's going to run and help Armand, I think. But rain check. RAIN CHECK.]
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