NAME: Meghan
clanoftheravenAGE: 22
CONTACT: redravenrp (AIM)
SERIES: Dollhouse
PERSONALITY: In a cast of complex characters, Adelle DeWitt is one of the most complicated, both in terms of her personality and her ethical code. Her personality has many layers and very, very few people ever see down to the lower layers.
On the surface, Adelle is a well-bred, sincere woman, and one of the faces of Rossum. Part of her job is to welcome patrons or prospective volunteers, put them at ease, and convince them of the value of the Dollhouse’s services. In this context, she often assures people that the Dollhouse provides not just an expensive commodity, but rather what people need. They provide “a friend, a lover, a confidant in a sea of enemies,” she explains at one point. To some degree, she truly believes this. She understands how a person can be cripplingly lonely despite having everything he or she needs. Both to others, and to herself, Adelle rationalizes and even glorifies what is often little more than prostitution.
Below the façade of the genial businesswoman, Adelle has a steely side. As head of the Los Angeles Dollhouse, she runs a tight ship, and she has little tolerance for incompetence or for mistakes-although she is willing to tolerate unorthodox behavior if it gets the job done. Anyone who endangers their work will be dealt with immediately and harshly. When she feels circumstances require it, she can be absolutely ruthless-willing and able to threaten someone or even order them killed without so much as batting an eye. On one memorable occasion, there’s a shoot out in her office, and three men are killed. Her response is a vaguely annoyed, “Well, I guess we can agree this carpet’s done for.”
On a third level, Adelle is genuinely protective, almost maternal. Her concern for the Dolls goes beyond that of a businessperson’s interest in his or her merchandise. In a twisted way, she sees the Actives as her children, and anyone who harms one will see her ruthless side. For example, when an Active’s handler proves to be sexually exploiting her while she was in an unimprinted and helpless state, Adelle sets him up to be murdered. Later in the series (though this is after canon point from which I intend to take her), she also is extremely protective and motherly towards the then-insane Topher Brink. One of the few times she shows a strong emotion is after his death in the last episode.
Finally, and on a level almost no one ever sees, Adelle is cripplingly lonely, and a borderline alcoholic. She has associates, but no friends. For example, when her right hand man, Laurence Dominic is revealed to be a spy, she sentences him to have his mind wiped and be sent to the Attic without so much as batting an eye. When someone points out that it would be all right for her to grieve, since they were close, Adelle insists, “He was an employee with whom I worked closely. There's a difference.” Her only lover is an Active she has secretly imprinted at times to love her, and she even gives him a false name, calling herself ‘Catherine.’ Throughout the series, she never really comes to terms with her loneliness, and in many ways it’s one of her driving motivations for everything she does, even though it’s something few people know about her.
TIMELINE: From the end of “Omega,” the second to last episode in Season 1.
BACKGROUND: If what she told Victor can be believed, Adelle began her career with Rossum working with a department that used stem cells to create new organs. At some point, she was promoted to being the head of the Los Angeles Dollhouse. The Dollhouse is an organization which wipes people’s memories and personalities and gives them new personalities and memories (imprints) for their clients. Clients could request anything from a hostage negotiator to a lover, and the Dollhouse creates an imprint to produce a perfect negotiator or lover, who has no idea he or she hasn’t always been this way.
Adelle recruited many of the Actives at the LA Dollhouse, including Caroline Farrell, who became Echo, the most popular Active. At the beginning of the show, she seems to have no qualms about what they do, insisting that they provide what people need. She appears to be very good at her job, balancing the good of the actives with the desires of the clients, while also bringing revenue into the Dollhouse. There are a few thorns in her side, including Alpha, an escaped Doll who accidentally received multiple imprints and became psychotic, and Paul Ballard, an FBI agent determined to expose the Dollhouse.
From the beginning, Echo seems to possess the unusual skill of going beyond the parameters set for her. For example, when she’s assigned to be the bodyguard of a temperamental singer, Echo discovers that the singer’s own self-destructive desires are the biggest danger, and finds a way to renew her desire to live. Adelle initially decides to utilize this skill, but keep an eye on her. She also must deal with threats to the Dollhouse, both interior and exterior. When she learns that an Active’s handler has been raping her, she sends him to frighten Paul Ballard by attacking his sort-of girlfriend, Mellie. In reality, Mellie is an Active who can be turned into an assassin by hearing a trigger phrase. Adelle allows Hearn to terrify Mellie before calling, activating her sleeper protocol, and having her kill the wayward handler. Having efficiently dealt with Hearn while trying to deal with Ballard, Adelle also tried to give some of her actives closure by letting them apparently get what their original personalities wanted in a controlled situation-to free the Actives (Echo), to protect a woman important to him (Victor), to confront the man who used her (Sierra), and to grieve for her daughter (Mellie, code named November).
More trouble emerges when Topher, the Dollhouse’s eccentric but brilliant technology expert, discovers that there is a spy in the Dollhouse. With Echo’s help, Adelle’s right hand man, Laurence Dominic, proves to be the spy. Adelle has his brain permanently wiped and sends him to the Attic, a place shrouded in mystery but generally known to be a hellish punishment. Moreover, Alpha returns and kidnaps Echo, intending to pour all her imprints into her head at once so she will become a Nietzschean ‘super-man’ like him. However, Echo fights against Alpha instead of allying with him and returns to the Dollhouse. Adelle is able to bring Paul Ballard on as a new handler, and things seem to be back to normal.
ABILITIES: We know from her time with ‘Roger’ that Adelle knows fencing, but it seems to be the more stylized form rather than practical sword-fighting, so it probably wouldn’t be much good in a real battle. It would probably be the kind of thing that could be unlocked with a memory jog or with retraining, though. However, in that scene, we could see that Adelle is in very good shape, and she seems fairly strong for a woman of her height and weight.
BIRTHDAY LOG: “Think of the giant squirrels. They think of you naked.” Y
DREAM: She stood on the porch of the house, a house she had owned for years but almost never used, except for this. It was a respectable house, an expensive house well-furnished and in the best of neighborhoods. It was a house from another life. The life of a wealthy woman who loved to travel, who never had any cares or responsibilities. A lying house, if she was honest with herself.
She had put on a long purple dress and let her hair loose for once, as she watched the beach below her and the seagulls flying over it, looking for food that some vacationer might have dropped.
“Catherine?” She turned and saw him there, dressed as always in an impeccable suit that spoke of money and good breeding. Of course, that was what it was meant to do. She remembered to smile then as he walked over to embrace her. She held him and kissed him hungrily, pushing away the quiet shame of the lie.
The kiss was interrupted by the ringing of a phone and she pulled away to pick it up. But before she could, he snatched it from the railing and held it behind his back with an amused expression. “Is this your ring?” She tried to grab it back, but he held it out of reach, looking at the screen on the front. “Mm…Topher. Is that a name?”
She sighed in annoyance, both at the man’s refusal to give her the phone and at the phone interrupting her liaison. “They think I’m at headquarters,” she admitted. “It could be very urgent. Or it could be Topher calling to tell me that his sweater’s itchy.” She didn’t particularly want to answer it, particularly if it was the latter.
“Well, I could give it back.” She grabbed for it half-heartedly but he kept it out of reach. “Or,” he tossed it up in the air lightly as she laughed at the absurdity of it all, “I could drop it and let the sharks come to their own. It’s up to you.”
She thought for a few moments. She knew what she should do. She should answer the phone, and be the responsible, proper woman that she usually was. But there was nothing responsible or proper about any of this, and today, she was Catherine, not …static… She nodded slightly, running her hands through her loose hair. “It is a very slippery phone,” she smiled wickedly for a moment. “I have complained about that a lot.”
“Oh really? I wouldn’t have, oh!” He tossed the phone up and out over the railing, and as she grabbed for it, it slipped past her hands and down onto the ground blow with a quiet snapping sound. She laughed as it fell, like a school child who had slipped past the monitors so he could skive off a detested class. “That was probably a very bad thing that just happened,” she admitted.
“Accidents,” he assured her as he put his arm around her shoulders. “What can be done?”
JOURNAL SAMPLE: So, this place is called Edensphere. A rather curious name. Frankly, waking up naked and discovering myself in a new world with no memories is hardly how I would have expected to be spending my day-though I suppose that, having few memories, this might in fact be normal.
Or perhaps it is merely somone’s idea of a particularly bad joke.
At any rate, it shall be necessary for me to find a job-which would be far easier if I knew what sort of job I had done before. Something where I was in charge of others, apparently, but that hardly tells me much about the type of work I was doing. And of course, I shall need to find somewhere to stay. Preferably with something to drink nearby. I find myself rather missing it.
ASPIRATIONS: I’d like to see Adelle actually get close to someone-close enough to reveal some of her inner personality.
ES 4th Wall: Y
Chara 4th Wall: Y
ES Mysteries: Y
Memory Rec'v: Y
Memory Distrib: Y
Dream Distrib: Y
Your Wilderness: Y