"I didn't know he was just gonna take off like that! It's always worked before. I lure them in, they win a lot of money, and then they lose even more. If the Qiseark demons had done their job instead of dying like that, we'd have been fine."
"You couldn't even remember the guy's name. So now, I have to cast this complicated tracking spell to tap into YOUR demonic power and then go after anybody who still has a good trace of it on him. Which is gonna be especially hard, since you enchanted the roulette ball and not him. If you had a name, I wouldn't have to do all this."
She finds the spell she's looking for, and recites the Latin needed to active the blood's power.
Across town, Xander is exiting the men's bathroom at the restaurant. Well, lingering at the door, actually - marveling at the size and opulence of the restroom facility.
She's been stopping every few minutes to reorient the crystal, and it's finally led her here. Faster than she thought it would be. But still inefficient. Ilyana was stupid for not marking him better.
She steps into the restaurant, walking straight past the befuddled hostess, and starts to look around for anyone who looks like they just came into a lot of money for the first time.
"That doesn't seem too realistic, pet, though I'm certain we can visit for dessert now and then." Spike's leaning back in his chair, a satisfied expression on his face.
She's dragged by Xander, still unable to get him to see just how bad it is, back to their table. She saw they were here, but still, being this close, back actually with them...she can't contain herself.
"Spike! So good to see you after all this time! And not dead!" She goes to hug him, but the scowl on Xander's face stops her.
Spike smiles toward Anya, still leaning back in his chair. He has nothing against her and would gladly hug her but the mood at the table doesn't seem to hold room for it currently.
"Anya. Good to see you. Wouldn't happen to know anything about the demon casino, would you?"
Comments 41
Ilyana quickly puts her finger in her mouth, and proceeds to pout.
Anya looks down at the small wooden bowl with the drop of blood in it, and then flips a few pages in the book open to her right.
She finds the spell she's looking for, and recites the Latin needed to active the blood's power.
"My god, it's full of stars.."
She steps into the restaurant, walking straight past the befuddled hostess, and starts to look around for anyone who looks like they just came into a lot of money for the first time.
Oh, Hell.
Her pace quickens and she marches straight over to him. He'll barely have time to recognize her before she slaps him across the face.
She can't seem to bring herself to touch it, not quite yet.
"So... beautiful." A single curl gets popped in her mouth and Buffy closes her eyes as it melts on her tongue.
"Can we live here? And only eat this?"
"Spike! So good to see you after all this time! And not dead!" She goes to hug him, but the scowl on Xander's face stops her.
"And Buffy and Dawn, too!"
"Anya. Good to see you. Wouldn't happen to know anything about the demon casino, would you?"
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