Title: Rainy Sundays (1/1)
wheelie47Rating: PG
Pairing: Luke and Noah.
Word count: 1,673
Disclaimer: Don’t own characters, am not associated in any way with ATWT, Van and Jake. No offence intended.
Summary: A bit a fluff. Luke loves Sundays…
Luke loved Sundays... )
Comments 18
Loved it. Noah is always so thoughtful esp when Luke gets in one of his moods lol
Just perfect indeed xxx
Who better than to cheer Luke up than Noah!
Thanks again x
Gives you that warm and loving feeling inside. Makes me want to...... .
Love the way these guys wake up :) And the pictures in my head of Luke in the shower :\ (thanks to Occupant ;) )
But the best is the way you make Noah the hero in this, taking care of Luke's mood ;)
Thanks for sharing
Love that it made you feel all warm inside. I could just picture them like this and yeah Occupant does help with the images of the shower! LOL
And who better than to take care of Luke when he's in one of his moods than Noah.
Thanks for reading x
Thank you, Anne. This was perfect. x
Anne x
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