Life - DEEP
~ DEEP SURVEY~ Honestly answer the following 20 questions... can you get through them without lying???
1 - Why are you best friends with your best friend?
We understand one another and accept each other's differences without judging, and we will pretty much overlook anything stupid or weird we do.
2 - What bothers you the most about other people?
Intolerance. If everybody could just understand that everybody is different, but not wrong, then there might actually be a shot of peace in this world.
3 - Would you ever marry for money?
No, but I would for citizenship.
4 - Do you prefer to text message or talk on the phone?
5 - Do you believe that 30 really is the new 20?
No, 30 is 30. If you feel young, fine. If not, that's ok too.
6 - If you had a crush on someone would you tell them?
Depends on the situation.
7 - What is one of the toughest things you ever had to do?
Get rid of expectations and just live life now, not what I think it should be.
8 - Name a challenge you are faced with on a reg basis?
Falling asleep and staying asleep.
9 - Do you cry a lot?
10 - Do you have a plan?
Tentatively, yes. I want to move to Paris. I'm open, then.
11 - Do you think its possible to only love one person for the rest of your life?
Romantically, yes.
12 - Are you close with your family?
13 - Name one thing that you are good at?
Critically thinking
14 - Name one thing that you are bad at?
Anything involving coordination
15 - Your thoughts on Karma?
You get what you pay for. If you do something, you get the effect of that, in whatever form it may take.
16 - What does the 5th text message in your inbox say?
Nooo literally his name pops up every once in a while.
17 - What did you reply to it?
Same with cz. It was really bad when he graduated and we came back. His face is hanging in photo hartmans room. Try that!
18 - What do you do for a living?
I am a student.
19 - Do you honk your horn at old people when they are driving bad?
No, I am not an angry driver
20 - Why do you do myspace surveys?
I needed something for a meme.