(no subject)

Feb 17, 2004 23:40

Full Name - Stephanie Lee E.
Nicknames - A few.
Eyes - Blue Green.
Height - 5 foot 2 inches, or so.
Hair - It's blonde and sort of short.
Siblings - Yeah, two.Kathleen and Andrew.

Do you like to sing in the shower - I sing anywhere and everywhere.I realized people have a right to think I am insane.Sometimes I walk down the halls at school and sing quietly to myself.It doesn't really matter if there are a lot of people, or a little.I still do it.Only when I am walking by myself though.
Do you like to sing on the toilet - Look above, thanks.
Birthday - 26 January 1988.
Sign - Aquarious.
Address - Abbey Road.
Sex - Female.
Righty or Lefty - Righty.
What do you want in a relationship most - I have what I want.
Have you ever cheated on a person - No.
Marital Status - yeah.
Do you have a car - No.

Favourite Questions ....
Movie - Jaws.
Song - Glass and the Ghost Children by Smashing Pumpkins..or it was last time I thought about it.
Band/Singer - Smashing Pumpkins is my number one.
TV Show - I can't be sure.
Actor - Bruce Willis, at least.
Actress - Molly Ringwald..I think.
Food - Cereal.Craklin' Oat Bran to be specific.
Number - Three.
Letter - I say Q most of the time.I might change my answer on that.
Cartoon - I am not sure..I forget.
Disney Character - ..I don't know.I think my favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast.One from there I guess.Maybe Chip.
Colour - Olive Green.
Love Life etc ....

Do you plan on having children - Yeah.
Do you want to get married - Yeah.
How old do you wanna be when you have your first child - When the time is right..
How old do you wanna be when you get married - See above.
Would you have children before marriage - I'm not sure.
Do you have a girfriend or boyfriend - Yeah.
Do you have a crush - No.

Pick which one you prefer ....

Music or TV - Music.
Guys or Girls - It depends in what sense.
Green or Blue - Green.
Pink or Purple - I am not sure.
Summer or Winter - ..Maybe winter.I like both.I will have both.So why can't I prefer them both!
Night or Day - Both.
Hangen Out or Chillin - Hang out.
Dopey or Funny - Funny.
Weird saying I have - I am not sure.
What school do you go to - You know..that one.
Have you ever taken drugs - Sure.
turn on for you - Hair.

Friends ....

Funniest - I can't choose.
Strangest - I can't choose.
Most Caring - Probably Alyssa.
Smartest - Most of my friends are smart.
Most Mature - I don't know.

Which 5 people do u trust the most and are open with the most - People.

On the spot questions ....

Are you happy - Yeah.
Why - Because I am living.
Love or Lust - If you have love, you should have lust.So I pick both.
Silver or Gold - Silver.
Diamond or Pearl - I think pearl.
Sunset or Sunrise - I have to say sunset only because I have never really seen a good, clear sunrise.
Have you ever gone skinny dipping - No.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals - Yeah.
Do you have any piercings - Yeah.
What colour underpants are you wearing - Black.
What song are you listening to - Scenes From An Italian Restaurant by Billy Joel.
What are the last 4 digits in ur phone number - I realized today how marvelous the brain really is.It can remember so many number combinations, make connections between them, find tricks to remember them..either way the brain remembers so many for a long time.It amazes me really.
Where would you want to go on your honeymoon - Somewhere nice.How's Australia sound?
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with - That question could mean numerous things.
What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex - Hair.
Favourite sport - Dance.
What makes you happy - An endless amount of things.
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Mainly contacts.
The best advice given to you - I am sure there was something..
Have you ever won any special awards - Some.
What are your future goals - Honestly? The main goal is to be happy with who I am and my life.Then there are small goals that branch off of that which help make that goal come true.Going to college, educating myself not only so I can learn to do what I love but to continue fulfilling my thurst for knowledge(wow that sounded cliche, or whatever)Make some sort of difference, help my kids(to come) to be good people...Gosh there are so many goals I have really.
Worst sickness you have ever had - Define sickness, please.
Do you like scary or funny movies - Both.
On the phone or in person - It depends on the person really.But generally I am not a telephone person.
Hugs or Kisses - Hugs.
What song(s) seem to reflect you most - I am not sure.
What is your greatest fear - There being no one who likes or loves me.
Be rich or famous - Not sure.
What time is it in Albania now - No idea..early morning probably, I will guess around 5?[loser]
are you or have you ever been in love - Yeah.
Have you met Santa - We all have, haven't we?
If ET knocked on your door holding up a peace sign and asked you to use your phone what would you do - Smile and show him the way to the telephone?
Last time you talked to the person you liked - A few minutes ago.

Do you have any pets - Yes.
Last time you were depressed - I don't know.
Are you an alcoholic - No.
Last Cigarette: Last and first..uh..one summer day before freshman year.
Last Kiss: A few hours ago.
Last Cry: I don't know..a week ago or so.
Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: 50 First Dates.
Last Book Read: I'm not sure.For some reason lately I haven't been able to read.I start to read and I can't finish.
Last Cuss Word Uttered: uuuh.Not sure.
Last Beverage Drank: Root Beer.
Last Food Consumed: A peanut butter sandwich.
Last Phone Call: A few hours ago.
Last TV Show Watched: One Tree Hill.
Last Time Showered: This morning.
Last Shoes Worn: Uh..mostly white and purple Reports.

Last CD Played: Uhm..I am not sure.Either Erica's mix or Progress.
Last Soda Drank: Root Beer.
Last Thing Written: Period.
Last Key Used: Backspace.
Last Words Spoken: "Alright."
Last Sleep: I fell asleep for a half hour after school today.
Last IM: From Justin.
Last Ice Cream Eaten: 'Tagalongs'
Last Time Wanting to Die: uh..never?
Last Lipstick: Some color..probably for Our Town
Last Time Dancing: I think Richard Simmons counts...Today in Gym!
Last Show Attended: Middle of January..3 Doors Down.
Last Big Car Ride: Big means what? I mean I went to Pennsylvania(2 hours or so) in the end of January..but I don't personally consider that a big car ride.So probably the last week of August, to and from Maine.
Last thing you smelled: I can't actually smell currently..so I can't remember.
Last Annoyance: The fact that I need to go to bed.
Last Disappointment: uuuh, myself.
Last Time Scolded: A half hour ago, I guess."Go to bed!"
Last Shirt Worn: The one I am wearing is a blue sweater with some uh..pink, green, dark blue, and off white detail.
Last Web Site Visited: Livejournal
Last song you listened to: Le Le Low by Hot Hot Heat.
Last person that made your heart skip a beat: I don't really know..
Last movie you watched: Stir of echoes earlier this evening.
Watch it with anyone?: Yeah.
Last time you went to the mall: A little over a week ago.
Last person you wished you could "do": I don't really ever think that, exactly.I mean..besides Richard Simmons.
Last person you missed: Trenchie.
Last CD you Bought: No idea.
Last beautiful thing you saw: My reflection! ha..I kid, I kid.
Last lyric stuck in your head: "If you want my body and you think I'm sexy, come on sugar let me know."
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