Silly Canadian Laws

Jul 21, 2007 20:53

Some are national, some are specific to cities or provinces. This is just a list of silly laws I found online that I thought might work for a post. I figure I can get away with province specificity by saying that the consulate represents all of Canada.

DISCLAIMER: All countries have outdated or silly laws that no longer apply or are enforced. Although I am not Canadian, I don't mean to be offensive. :( I'm just enjoying the super stereotypical nature of Due South Mountie, and Turnbull in particular.

P.S. Watch Due South.

Citizens may not publicly remove bandages.

You may not pay for a fifty-cent item with only pennies.

The Canadian Criminal Code states that it is illegal to send a telegram or letter threatening a bird.

Wooden logs may not be painted. (who paints a log?)

You may never use dice to play craps. (it can be played with cards)

If you are released from prison, it is required that you are given a handgun with bullets and a horse, so you can ride out of town.

It is illegal to kill a sasquatch.

Bylaw states that no more than 3.5 inches of water is allowed in a bathtub.

The city of Guelph is classified as a no-pee zone. ('re screwed if you have to urinate lolz)

It is also illegal to have a clothes line in your backyard.

It's illegal to climb trees. (I don't know either)

It is illegal to eat ice-cream on a Sunday. (........)

Residents are not allowed to have an Internet connection faster than 56k.

You may not paint ladders, because if it is wet it is slippery. (it doesn't seem to matter if it's going to be climbed or not)

It is illegal to show public affection on Sunday.

You may not own a log cabin.

You may not swear in French.

Added 8/9/10

It's illegal for teenagers to walk with untied shoelaces.

Musicians cannot give children balloon animals.

You cannot release ten or more helium-filled balloons within a 24 hour period.

Canada's criminal code states that anyone, "offending a public place with a bad smell" is liable to two years in jail.

The Baby Chick Protection Act makes it illegal to have an artificially colored chick.

Margarine is banned, unless it is non-butter colored.

It is illegal to knock, ring a doorbell or shout after 10 pm.

Slingshots are illegal in parks even if you don't use them.
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