I'm not a big fan of dieting, but I thought I'd try something in my own diet to be more mindful about what I eat, and what I don't eat.
I'm going to try out a modified version of the Paleo diet. Basically, that cuts out all refined sugars, grains, and most starchy roots (the exception being sweet potatoes, for some reason, but given that I don't really like them anyway, I'll probably just cut them.) You're also supposed to cut out legumes and dairy, but that one just isn't going to happen.
Basically, it's high protein, high vegetables and fruits, low processed food and carbohydrates. It's going to be an adventure, but it's a practice of mindful eating, because one, it makes you actually think about what you're consuming and two, it does reduce a lot of the harmful stuff people take in.
What amuses me is that my husband is going mostly veggie, so we're eating basically opposite diets. It's going to mostly come out that I make vegetables for both of us then a meat for me and a grain for him, I think. I don't do veggie so well, and I think cutting grains will really help me lose weight, which is an added bonus.
I'll probably make exceptions to the diet, given that I'm human, but hell, worth a try, right?
For the hell of it, I'm going to keep a food log here, and see how I do, what recipes work, what don't.
I think I like the idea of eating a closer to "natural" diet, so mostly the point is to cut out processed foods, which I KNOW will make me feel better, physically.
So hey, here goes.