this is for all of you, my friends. whether you are near or far. my version of the senior will, if you may...
[Abbey]: my first thrift store and city bus adventure with you! your house was always fun to chill at. thanks for always bein so cool and real with me. one of the few. i love and miss you much. let's dance. heha. a great soccer captain. got mud?
[Adam]: my future husband. ha. i love you man. you were always so nice to me and easy to talk to. we had some good times. thanks for coming to my soccer games. you weren't to bad yourself. i hope college is goin' well for you. stay sweet. you deserve nothing but the best. DD.
[Aja]: my lovely feesh! I wish I could've seen you more often than I did. We always had a blast together. I admired the way you danced to the ringtones on your phone. You're the most unique person I know and I love it. You will be the most talented girl in beauty school because you're that damn cool. Oh wait, did that rhyme? I think so. We are the freshest rhymers out there. I saved them once, but lost them too. You better watch out or you'll smell like poo.
[Alyson]: It seems as though we've known each other since we were little kids. When I met you sophomore year at the boys' soccer game, I thought you were the coolet person ever. Since then, we've been two peas in a pod. We understand each other and have crazy ass coincidences. "It must be the Alyson-Bree connection." Let us not forget all of the extremely entertaining times we've had (the mall, youre casa, mi casa, schoo, parties, CONVO!, concerts, everything.) You are an amazing person and the best friend anyone could ask for.
[Amber]: Everyone knows we've had our rough times, but what's life without them? Skipping school, sociology (with Rob's hotness, oh my...), my drinking buddy. You were there when I least expected you to be. Thank you. We were definitely the coolest baseball fans, but not groupies. Prom dress stealer. (j/k) DENNY'S... valentine's day and new years spent there. how horribly awesome.
[Andrew]: I suppose i still owe you a popsicle. not. haha. my soccer guide and influence. thank you for the tips. you were a blast to play with. the next landon donovan ladies and gentlemen. you still owe me cleats you spramp. ...your hair. oh lord. the car adeventures. you dancing in my backseat. dude. its okay.
[Becky]: the winking eye. tanning. ah, soo much. haha. you crack me up. no more tattoos for you. mmnmm. don't pee in your pants the next time you get sledding. or don't forget how to unlock cars. haha. and that car wash. your ugly sweatshirt with the fat lady in a swimsuit. haha. don't hit any trees.
[Brianna]: one of the man yin chemistry last year. or should i call you dory? your party was the bestest this summer before i left. i had a blast getting my groove on. my favorite irish dancer! stay sweet. good luck with the boyses.
[Brittany]: my best friend in georgia. you are hilarious. everything green remidns me of you. pac sun freak. you are so fun to hang out and we laugh at the same things. a friend and sister wrapped in one. womp. woot. fucking shit. thanks for getting me to say that. hahaha. <333
[Chris]: the coolest and hottest boyfriend around. what more could i ask for?... a car, a house. jk. you are amazing. you make me smile and i love your sense of humor. even though you mock me at times. ;] thanks for makin me feel special. i love you. YEAH [sunchips]. i use sharpies.
[Colby]: let's face it, you suck at painting. juust kidding. you are an awesome guitar player and you have yet to let me hear you sing. thats alright though, i'll just have to get your CD when it comes out soon, won't i? you are one crazy mofo with ADD, but don't we all have it? i think so. go sit on the porch, ok? yeah. do ittttt.
[Danny]: the secret soceity at gillie's? i don't think it worked out. my car didn't start. it was a sign. i think if we stole the plants, no one would notice.
[Drew]: your cat scares the shit out of me and i love your mom. all there is to say is thank you for the good times. and the bad have been forgotten. people change. keep it up with basketball. and keep in touch with me every once and a while.
[Elyse]: My goofy twin. If it weren't for Mr. Rochwerger's gay Geometry class sophomore year, we never would've met. NOT. We had almost every other class together. You always manage to make me smile. Those silly facial expressions, they way you change your voice when you're excited or see a hot guy, and our dances that no one understands. They can copy us, but they will never be the true crunk caucasians. "I ain't even gonna front." THe inside jokes could go on forever... the pile, Jammin' 98.3, joe mama, back away from the bee, the bus rides home (my favorite), whaaaaaaa, yeEeEeEes, and so many more. Get crunk.
[Emily]: your Tom Lemke fetish was hilarious. we shard what i guess you could call a locker, altough it looked more like a garbage bin with pictures on the side. our road trip to california this summer? maybe not, but it was so fun planning it. if we go, you get shot gun of course. sucka bitch.
[Katie]: the one with three nipples. ha ha. i doooo. you always have a smile on your face and its so cute. stay sweet and never stop smiling. you are great.
[J-Mill]: the broom trick, tie-dye dresses from middle school, beads, bracelets, bandanas, your trip to germany, the bbq at your house. your socks made me smile. :]
[Jacob:] the wanna-be crunk. j/k. you are the male version of elyse and me. the one who laughs like loveable patrick. attack of the huge hugs. haha. i always think my lungs are going to collapse. colonel crunk and badunkadunk bree to the rescue. i love you.
[Jake]: the way you say hello with a song makes the day so much cooler. you deserve a wonderful girl and you don't look like a hobbit. cheer up chap. i'm always here for you. :]
[James]: your parties. no one can top them, what can i say. the best left handed pitcher i know. you are jolly james. the bet. ha ha. you're such a slut, man. get over it. no more tequila for you. oh yeah, and don't step in dog poop. or pitch soccer balls at plastic bats. it goes across the neighborhood. try and keep your eyes open, slugger. build it and i will come.
[Jenny]: elyse-"i hate those white guys who try to be black"; me-"me too"; you-"alan called and said he saw you guys walking to tgifridays"; elyse-"i love those white guys who try to act black" hahaha. you were fun to hang out with jenny and made me smile. good luck.
[John]: the funniest homecoming date. the coolest hair. one of the wittiest people i know. 30 cool points for you.
[Julia]: the cricket keychain, also know as the "robdar," the ghetto hoopty that the boys couldn't help but love, SUNROOF!, you were always there for me. i love your made-up words. it makes talking so much more interesting. haha.
[Laura]: you crazy ass fool. ludacris lives in atlanta, omg. no, i haven't seen him yet. its okay. my outbursts. your outbursts. its windy. walking out of ap us history on the last day. except no one followed us. BAKAW. take a chill pill freak. :]
[Maggie the MOSS]: my lover. i'm going to borrow your beautiful hair, mmk? we can trade. my world cup partner. we were so cool. it was fun watching you drive your little stick car. haha. you always made me feel cool. you kept it real. you deserve the best. i miss you.
[Megan]: you crazy woman who weighs 2 pounds and eats everything in sight. i really don't know how you do it. but its alright, i still love you. of course i'll be your girlfriend. hahaha. its a shame i wasn't able tos ee youw hen i visited, but there is always this summer. yay.
[Melissa C.]: life is beautigul, what a glorious day. the traced hand that touched robert dixon. i'll be one of your 5 dates for prom this year if i come. we can switch dresses and no one will EVER know. welp, now they do. ha. "Hello Dr. Davis. I'm Dr. Melissa" HA ha.
[Nick]: i can't believe i forgot the person who thinks i'm the coolest person alive. besides alyson. ha ha. you are a great friend and listen to me. you don't deal with the crap! way to go for you. lol. be good to alyson, or i'll fly my ass up there and kick you where the sun doesn't shine. [not really. just trying to scare you]. mad love.
[Patrick]: my painting buddy. we've gotten close lately and its been so fun talking to you in painting. we are so cool and unartistic compared to everyone else. that's what makes us stand out. haha. you make me laugh man. lol. i love ya dude.
[Rachael]: dude. get better. are you alive? haha. you always make me laugh. i worry bout ya sometimes. j/k. you hoe. that's so you and not me. lol. addictions.
[Sam]: who the hell slams ont heir brakes at a green light? that asshole in front of us. ha. you make me laugh so much. your random brain fart statements. you are seriously one of the craziest people i have ever met. i admire your free spirit. i still don't believe you're pure. hoe.
[Sean]: you nerd who sat behind me in chem and always distracted me. you are such a pimp. are you taller than me now? i miss the sarcasma nd sense of humor, man. keep up with soccer. maybe one day you'll be like andrew... :]
[Shannon]: you rock my socks off. thuck my deck. bend over betch. you crack me up. you are a wonderful person and and and i love you. don't worry, be happy. smile. it makes people wonder what you're thinking... haha. uh oh. uh oh. do you need some chapstick? apply for 30 minutes and it cures chapped lips, just like windex.
[Steve:] I think i beat you at carpetball once. hell yeah i did. don't blame it on your ankle. that has nothing to do with carpetball you sore loser you. you are an amazing athelte and i hop you play college football or basketball somewhere. keep it up player.
[Tysh]: the best of luck to you. you are so beautiful! fuck mr. kovacic. he can go be gay with his mom. oh wait, she died 5 times last year. the midnight movie that we fell asleep in. donnie darko man. freakin crazy. we got close, but then i left. i miss you so.
that is all i have. if i forgot you, i am extremely sorry. leave a comment and i will add you, as well as, apologize profusely.