Mar 04, 2009 22:41
- I love Juliet calling Sawyer "James." I love it whenever anyone on this show uses full names. Especially when Ben says "Hugo." That's my favorite. I also like to call Ben "Benjamin." Just on my own time.
- lmfao, Horace is drunk. Wait. Holy shit. Did we ever get his wife's name during Locke's cabin dream? I wonder if it's Amy. THAT would be awesome.
- "Mr. LaFleur" lmfao. How did he even come up with that? Just another mystery to add to all the Sawyer love.
- "You wanna tell Amy where we found him?" YES. HIS WIFE (maybe). CALLED. IT. And seriously, that is fucked. What if she went with the Others and her husband got killed by them? If so, I hope he built the cabin for her. That would be a huge burn.
- This is so depressing. They'd better move forward in time at some point; fuck the 70's. Except for SNL. I want Jack to move the island the last time.
- Wait, so where are Rose and Bernard and everyone? I hope they end up chilling with the Dharma Initiative too.
- Okay, seriously, nobody else screams like that. It is CLEARLY her.
- God, I love Juliet. What a fucking badass.
- Oh man, Reiko, you bitch. Just kidding. I love you.
- lmfao, why is Juliet doing work on vans? That's awesome. And it kind of sucks at the same time.
- AWE, JULES. *hugs her*
- Noooo Juliet! Except she's not leaving so it's all good. I still enjoy being twisted up in the drama, though. Plus I'm totally shipping Sawyer/Juliet at this moment. Elizabeth Mitchell is such a liar. It's okay, I love her anyway. Honestly, I totally love the idea of them as friends, and I guess that will become a reality once Kate returns, but...I enjoyed that scene.
- It's Horace's kid, not Sawyer's. DISAPPOINTMENT OF THE WEEK. But whatever, the cabin, it's all good.
- It's totally gonna be Jin calling telling them about Kate, Jack, and Hurley. PSHH YES, CALLED IT.
- Man, that footage of Ben and Jin was misleading. God, I can't wait TWO WEEKS. I will only be okay with this if little Ben is there. I'm trying to remember what episodes he's supposed to be in. I'm pretty sure they're later in the season, though. Lame. Oh man, I want big Ben (lmao yes) and little Ben to coexist. That would be amazing drama, seeing Ben deal with seeing the person he was. See how I totally justified tagging Michael in this entry even though he wasn't in the episode? Seriously, though, just imagine that scene. And imagine Michael in that scene. Ugh, seriously, two more weeks without Ben. I guess that's about equal; I did just get to watch him strangle his lover last week. It evens out.
- Also on that note, I love how Michael's line readings are so mysterious. I was trying to imagine how he would say the hot pocket line in 5x02, and I could NOT figure it out. He is just that awesome and random and surprising. And that's why I love him. Also because he's just hilarious and a complete crazy genius.
- I have a theory. So we know that women can have babies on the island during the early Dharma times. Little Ben probably arrived closer to the end of the three-year period than the beginning because of Horace's hair. But he was born a while before the three-year period, also because of Horace's hair. (Is that how we measure things now?) So women lost the ability to get pregnant sometime after this three-year period lapsed, and before Juliet came to the island. Could it be Ben's fault? Maybe the Purge had something to do with it, or maybe it was something related to the unique properties of the island, electromagnetic balance, etc. Maybe it was the Incident instead? Admittedly not Ben's fault--actually, could it have been? It had to be before the Purge because they made a training video mentioning the Incident, which they never could have done if they were dead and everything. But are we to assume that Ben did nothing bad with the Others before the Purge? There may have been some things he could have done in secret. But regardless; that could have influenced women's ability to get pregnant (if you consider Rose's cancer, it's possible that it kills cells in general, good or bad (kind of like chemo). Juliet's sister's body was totally ravaged by chemo which was why she was totally infertile, so it's possible that the island/the electromagnetic forces could have a similar impact. Plus, now that the Swan is gone and the electromagnetic energy has presumably been released, it might not be an issue anymore. Like, people can get pregnant, whatever. That would be fabulous. Everyone could just live happily ever after in the Barracks. Sawyer and Juliet, Jack and Juliet, Kate and her bitchy ego, Ben and Juliet, Ben and Locke, and then Hugo can just be everyone's roommate at some point. I'm sure they'd all love to have him.
reiko aylesworth,
michael emerson,