
Aug 10, 2004 16:04

-------HAVE YOU-------
1. Ever been so drunk you blacked out: yes
2. Ever been missing: yes
3. Been hurt emotionally: yea
4. Kept a secret from everyone: yea
5. Had an imaginary friend when you were young: can't remember
6 Wanted to hook up with a friend: yea
7. Had a crush on a teacher: not really
8. Ever thought an animated character was hot: sorta?
9. What was the last new movie you saw: garden state, which i loved

-------RIGHT NOW-------
1. I'm wearing: skirt, polo, underwear, bra
2. Hair is: ugly
3. Eating: nothing
4. Drinking: nothing
5. Thinking about: food
6. Talking to: tash's answering machine

--------THE LAST 24 HOURS--------
1. Cried: no
2. Worn a skirt: yes
3. Met someone new: uhhh yea, lots
4. Cleaned a room: unfortunately
5. Done laundry: 3 fucking loads
6. Drove a car: actually, no

------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------
1. Yourself: haha, funny
2. Your friends: usually
3. Santa Claus: negative
4. Frodo: nop
5. Tooth Fairy: no, but i used to like the tooth fairy
5. Destiny/Fate: yea
6. Angels: no
7. Ghosts: no
8. UFO's: no

-----RIGHT NOW-----
1. Who have you known the longest of your friends: ilana and shana
2. Who is the loudest of your friends?: i dunno, dana?
3. Who do you cry for? i don't know
4. Worst feeling: lonely
5. Who will read this and steal it for their own blog? i just don't know
6. Whose blog did you steal it from? jer's
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