
Oct 09, 2009 12:26

Hey flist! So I'm actually in a good mood today, hence the posting, since I avoid livejournal when I feel 'meh' 'cause then my posts get all whiny. Woke up at 10:30am today which means I don't feel like I overslept, and once again coffee rules my world ( Read more... )


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Comments 14

callingpiper October 9 2009, 16:47:31 UTC
whip it does look good, and i'm interested cus its drew barrymoore's directing debut. whats apple crisp? is that like apple crumble? if so yum! x


whenitsquiet October 9 2009, 17:40:42 UTC
I was actually surprised by how good Whip it! was, you should definitely check it. Apple crisp is pretty much apple crumble, but with oatmeal I believe:)


blueymcphluey October 9 2009, 16:51:57 UTC
yeah, I'm the same. It's never a good idea to post when you're in a bad mood :P

yay, icons! :DD

This is embarassing to admit but I can't believe just realised that you're liquid_garnet (I'm still not used to the name change apparently XD) lol. I was wondering why you were on my flist and commenting on my posts :P


whenitsquiet October 9 2009, 17:42:34 UTC
lol, I knew the name change would cause problems, don't worry I'll be whenitsquiet for the rest of my lj life:)


alo12 October 9 2009, 19:26:17 UTC
YAY for good moods!

I reallly want to see Whip it. AND I'm really excited for your Eric/Sookie mix. ♥


whenitsquiet October 9 2009, 22:34:11 UTC
I reallly want to see Whip it. AND I'm really excited for your Eric/Sookie mix.

You should definitely see Whip it, its just such a fun movie. Hopefully the mix is good, I've never done one before, and I'm afraid my taste in music might not go over well... I'm over thinking it, lol.


tinyyuan October 9 2009, 20:41:37 UTC
I haven't seen Whip It yet, but it looks kindy funny from the teasers. I've always thought Ellen was an understated talent. She needs more recognition, I think.

Mmm...apple crisp sounds delicious. I hope you'll have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :D


whenitsquiet October 9 2009, 22:36:43 UTC
See Juno turned me off of Ellen Page, because I thought it was a little overrated, and then there was X3... so it was really nice to see her playing a down to earth character, because she's Canadian and I want to like her:)

I hope you'll have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thank you:)


misstress_tink October 10 2009, 12:17:18 UTC
ooh i love your layout! and yay for you making wallpapers, my desktop needs prettying up!


whenitsquiet October 10 2009, 23:09:58 UTC
ooh i love your layout!

Thanks hun! Hopefully I have some walls in my next icon post, probably True Blood, since I can't seem to make anything else:)


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