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Feb 15, 2006 00:36

Method Acting

Her face stays motionless, eyes that fall blank;
And a silence, my cold open sunroof;
Think! Think! I’m in front of you!...
Damn…Look at that moon, it lights the whole darkness black again;
Could we hold hands on your backyard grass?
With the moon I might see your different face,
It won’t be locked into my face but instead moving about the scenery,
People are like their own business buildings when they look at the moon,
Yet you’ll feel like water all over me;

No…No…Not at all,
Instead I get out of the car for you;
I grab my coat in tight, between the intervals of hurdles,
Yes, I’m tossing your black mechanical pencil at your brother’s window,
Which throbs in this night because his drifting talking TV screen;
You’re standing stout, not participating;
What! What!
Will you lift me up? Empower me?
Could I ever feel impressed with me?
Won’t you just kiss me on the lips?
I look at her, her face never changed;
And the moon lights me in the listlessness,
I’m a stage act for Board Members;

My watch is 4:18am;
Forgot her house keys, I don’t care anymore;


“Sometimes I think you don’t want to get better…like you yourself...”

A terribly air followed that remark. The most terrible kind of airs, where my mind wasn’t thinking of anything at all. The pain seeded then to grow slow, unalterably. In the cell phone silence the scene bloomed stupid across my mind. It was from Closer, that vulgar movie.

-(Dan) “If you love her you'll let her go so she can be happy.”
-(Larry) “She doesn't want to be happy.”
-(Dan) “Everybody wants to be happy.”
-(Larry)“Depressives don't. They want to be unhappy to confirm they're depressed. If they were happy they couldn't be depressed anymore. They'd have to go out into the world and live. Which can be depressing.”
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