WiB Quick Reference & Clickable links

Jul 01, 2012 02:17

Where I Belong (WiB)

Fanfiction.net links:
WiB C2 - All submissions entered at FFnet - Fanfictions 2,500 words and over submitted for WiB.
WiB Question and Answers - Gives details about the challenge / mirror of LJ post. 
WiB Submissions - This is the mirror of the LJ submission post, but you only need to list it once. 
AO3 Request thread - For readers/writers who'd like an Archive of Our Own account (A03)

Archive of Our Own links:
Ao3 'Collection' - Equivalent to a C2 at Fanfiction.net, but the site allows explicit content.

Live Journal links:
WiB LJ Community - General profile/info link to this com (left in for cross-posting)
Master List - Single most important item - everywork no matter medium will be listed (will x-post onto DW)
LJ Submissions - Mirror of ffnet, but again works only need to be listed at one place or the other.
WiB Mod - Request an A03 or - if there is a problem you don't want public - contact an admin on screened posts.

Twitter Information
WiB Twitter Feed - Second most important link as all items are tweeted at some point.

WiB deviantART Group - Our main art group at DA that will also contain poems/drabbles.
WiB deviantArt Quick Submission Page - Submissions to the dA group

WiB YouTube Channel - We will have like/favored all WiB video submissions to make our own 'collection.'

Facebook Event - Mostly this is for reference and complete listing of links.  

Master List - Mirror to the LiveJournal master list in case the site goes down. Will not be updated until after Sept. 1st.

Partner Sites
Final Fantasy VIII-II Tertius Veneficus Bellum - Epic site that will house art/video owned by PDestrucity. 
Final Fantasy VIII on Facebook - Great site with over 32k likes and international audience

mod post: links

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