I'm probably quitting Price Chopper soon. I applied to Brooke's and Im going to apply to Staples. Chea!
Umm. I'm think I'm going to do track and not swimming. =\ I dont know for sure yet.
The Early November makes me happy<3 especially when things arent so good.
My car is ready for the road! I just gotta get my license.
1. MALE FRiEND: Alex I guess
2. FEMALE FRiEND: Maria, Julie, Tanja
3. VACATiON: Maine
4. AGE: 15 was a cool age
5. MEMORY: skatefest '03 <3
1. TiME 0F DAY: 545am
2. DAY 0F THE WEEK: Tuesday
3. FO0D: liver and onions?
4. MEM0RY: losing my wallet
1. PERS0N Y0U SAW:brother
2. TALKED 0N THE PH0NE: mom? i think
3. HUGGED: Maria
4. TEXT MESSAGED: dont have text messaging =( tis a sad thing
5: IM: Julie
1. KiSS: ah umm Todd I believe
2. "SERi0US" relationship: Mark
3. CAR: '94 ford escort lx nigga what, we rollin on 20's
4. FiRST ScHO0L: kids count
5. J0B: Price Chopper (ew)
1. WHAT ARE Y0U D0iNG N0W?: listening to music
2. T0NiGHT: tv and ish
4. WHAT DiD Y0U EAT F0R LUNCH: homefries
5: BETTER THAN YESTERDAY: kinda, yeahhh
1. iS: Friday =)
2. G0T ANy PLANS: seeing RENT with Mark, then going to the palladium!
3. G0AL: not to let things get to me; try to move on
4. DiSLiKES AB0UT T0M0RR0W: school
5. D0 Y0U HAVE W0RK: nope
1. NUMBER: 16
2: S0NG: mmm too many. anything that makes me feel good
3. C0L0R: GREEN!
4. SEAS0NS: summer. i miss it.
5. STATE: Jersey
1. DATiNG S0ME0NE: eh.. nope
2. MiSSiNG S0ME0NE: like julie said. fuckyou
3. MO0D: all over the place
4. WANTiNG: things to come together for me
5. HUNGRY FOR: icecream cake