App post and such.

Jan 09, 2009 16:38

Your Name/what you go by: Nikki
AIM/E-mail/contact info - some way of reaching you: oh okiayu baby @ AIM
Your character's name: Sho Minamimoto
Series your character's from: The World Ends With You
Background info on your character:

NOOOOOOoooooooo Reaper's Game agaiiiiin OOOOH NOOOOO ffffff I am the sleepiest Nikki in the entire world as I'm writing this so there might be some typos and other things that might not make sense I am so sorry u_u ANYWAY, hello there UG it sure is spicy and tuna here 8O Oh wait-- you mean the weather is going to change? It's been spicy and tuna the past week, it's nice to know that the weather will finally be changing! I hope it's not bad or anyth-- WHAT. Shibuya is going to be covered with numbers and trash for the rest of the week?! OH NO.

This is all because of Minamimoto, you see. 8| You got it, he's a Reaper! And not just an ordinary Reaper! He's a high-ranking Reaper who also happens to be the Game Master during Neku's second week of Reaper's Game *_* Isn't that amazing *_* k moving on-- Minamimoto, while an administrator Reaper, isn't really that respected by his fellow Reapers. The reason for that is pretty much because he doesn't show respect to the other Reapers too. He just goes through "life" in his own way not following any rules aside from his.

Okay, so week two and Minamimoto is the GM! His way of announcing the tasks for the day isn't really the same with how the other GMs did it. His announcements made use of math terms and integers and more things related to math. And he is pretty much SCREW THE RULES, I HAVE MATH so he didn't bother sending out tasks to the players every day. He even likes showing up and bothering Neku (and maybe Joshua too) telling him things that may or may not show how much of an ego he has.

Day 7 came. Day 7 means that GMs can personally attack players and not just sit pretty wherever they usually hang out at. The task for the day was to head to Pork City and exterminate the Game Master. So battle tiems came for Neku and Joshua. But you can't really proceed with the game without winning, so bawww Neku and Joshua "win" against Minamimoto \o/ Only oooh nooo Neku gets bits of his "memories" back! Joshua running, Neku being a dork and helpless on the ground, Minamimoto running and BANG. Turns out, Minamimoto killed Neku! Or did he? DUN DUN DUN.

After the whole fight, Minamimoto goes super saiyan and releases a psych called 'Level i Flare'. The i is meant to be italicized :( It was supposed to hit Neku but oops Joshua pushes him away or something and ~*~KABOOM~*~ Bye bye Joshua. And you too, Minamimoto. But things go NOT AS CALCULATED in the third week when surpraiz HEAP OF GARBAGE appears in some parts of Shibuya. :OOO AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. Maybe. Idk. But whatever XO It means that Minamimoto is back wooohooooo \o/ But uh, that isn't important since I am taking him from the week that he is still GM! Possibly during the very beginning of day 7 :Bb

Minamimoto then clarifies what he actually did that time. He didn't commit suicide or anything stupid like that. In fact, he had calculated that plan all along. The whole Level i Flare was for him to be reborn into Tabooty \o/-- I mean, WHATEVER. Basically it just means a stronger Minamimoto who would be the next Composer \o/ Things don't go so well and Minamimoto's HOPES AND DREAMS get crushed along with him 8| So, lol. Too bad. Also Neku finds out that it wasn't Minamimoto who killed him when he got all of his memories back 8| And now we move onto his personality.

Pi-face is an A+ stalker and stalks Joshua just so he can be the Composter. Or Composer. ACTUALLY, BOTH WORK. NO wait, shoot, Composter sounds nasty 8| fdsal;gj GOSH MADE MYSELF LOL fd;sgk Anyway. He follows Joshua just to try and assassinate him even in the RG and baw he fails since lol Reapers are powerless in RG. \o/ Also we can conclude from this that Minamimoto is very persistent and will definitely do whatever he needs to get what he wants XO

He is also an excellent tactician who calculate things a few steps ahead of everyone. Or in his case, equations. 8| So whenever things go NOT AS CALCULATED he pretty much goes into an angry fit. Though he gets his composure pretty quickly and yaaay. Being a tactician isn't just all about critical thinking! Minamimoto is very intelligent! He is an excellent mathematician and is pretty much good at everything he does, except for cooperating, oops. Along with Minamimoto's wit is his absolutely huge ego. 8| He pretty much thinks that he can do everything by himself.

As for Minamimoto's abilities, he is able to summon Taboo Noise. Taboo Noise are Noise that attack both Players who have made pacts and Reapers. Normal noise cannot do any of these \o/ In fact, it's called Taboo for a reason 8| It's because pretty much the whole method of creating Taboo Noise is a secret and why does Minamimoto know it 8| Making them is also a capital offense against Reapers so lol. Again: SCREW THE RULES, I HAVE MATH.

Abilities may or may also not include stealing 8| Or making ramen 8| Or Tin Pin 8| This face is so stoic it hurts. 8|||| Man is this app even making any sense.

Sample post:

He must be up to something if he turned the UG into some kind of beach.

Game ??:
f(x) = -2x2 + 8x - 5. Determine coordinates of the GM. Find him and defeat him, if you can. t = 60 mins. Incompletes will be erased.

Time for you tasteless tetrahedra to figure that out! I'll even give you choices to choose from! This is so zetta easy that I could do it with my eyes null setted. Anyway-- choices, choices:

a) (2,3), (4,-5)
b) (-1,4), (-2,4)
c) stuck on an island
d) (-5,4), (3,2)

Wait a sec-- gotta double check those choices-- what the... "c. stuck on an island"? This is absolutely unequal! I am not outta my vector-- let's calculate this again. Change the equation too:

Game ??:
x = xislandx = 100x. t = 30 mins. Incompletes will be erased.

What the digit is going on with my equations?! This is taking a lot of time from my arts and crafts! Gotta throw away all these non-functions. CRUNCH! Off to the garbage you go. I am not even going to bother thinking of a new zetta awesome game. I may be GM, but whatever. Time to work on my beautiful a-- 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510! What kind of secant joke is this?! Gotta send a new game to those radians.

Game ??:
Attention all yoctograms: y = ∞
Wherein y = find my art. t = 299,792,458 m/s. Incompletes will be turned into garbage.

Get moving, you're all so zetta slow! No wait, time's up! It's crunch time.

A list of things your character might have on them after they got snatched up and put on this island:
- delicious megaphone
- ART MATERIALS (aka junk 8|)
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