
Jul 21, 2011 05:43

CHARACTER NAME: Austria/Roderich Edelstein
CHARACTER SERIES: Axis Powers Hetalia

This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired.

Backtagging: Sure, backtag away! I backtag up to forever (well, maybe not across years, but you get the drift).
Threadhopping: Yes. Yesyesyesyesyesyes. Threadjacking is fun and is go, unless it's a locked-and-filtered srs bnz thread. If in doubt, please ask. <3
Fourthwalling: Hetalia itself kind of drills into the fourth wall and camps in it. Historical fourthwalling is go, as well as things like HAY THAR I HEAR YOU HAVE A TOWN CALLED FUCKING. Fourthwalling on the idea that he's a webcomic character with a fandom of somewhat ill repute? It...depends. If you want to do it, PM me?
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I don't find a ton of things offensive. Just to stay on the good side of taste, though, let's be really careful if we're going to discuss the 20th century.

This is the permissions list for IC (in-character), activity.
Answer the following questions with "yes" or "no", as well as additional information if desired. With IC permissions, it's a good idea to elaborate on what other players can expect from your character if they choose to do any of the following:

Hugging this character: Yes. He'd probably not even flinch unless you jump him while he's reading or something.
Kissing this character: Yes, but be prepared to hear a litany of 'you moron' if you're not Hungary.
Flirting with this character: Why not? Don't expect him to flirt back, though.
Fighting with this character: Go ahead!
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): For light injuries, I don't mind. Austria's not good at brawling and he'll get injured whether he likes it or not. Severe/permanent things, though....comfort zones aside, I'm not sure how that would work with him being a nation. Let's say PM me if you want to do it?
Killing this character: PM first, please.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure! I should say, however, that 90% of Austria's brain consists of afternoons where he plays Mozart. The other 10% is boring.


Also : Since this is a permission post, anyway, I figure I'd also use it for this purpose. As you can see, Austria is a Hetalia character. Hetalia is a fandom that not everybody is cool about, and I totally get that. Therefore : if you're not cool with Hetalia and you don't want tags from Austria, please don't hesitate to tell me! Austria will just pretend your character doesn't exist. He's good at that. He's had practice. I'm all for all of us being comfortable with our pretendy funtimes, and it won't do at all if we end up treading on each other's comfort zones that way.

Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme!
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