1. Will you be looking for a new job? I wish, but no.
2. Will you be looking for a new relationship? Don't plan to.
3. New house? Nope, but would like to make some changes to this one.
4. What will you do differently in 2007? Do more teaching.
5. New Year's resolution? Try to lose more weight.
6. What will you not be doing in 07? Looking for a new partner.
7. Any trips planned? Not that I know of.
8. Wedding plans? No wedding plans. Handfasting plans.
9. Major things on your calendar? Beltane, FSG, Mythical Journeys.
10. What can't you wait for? To spend quality time with C.
11. What would you like to see happen differently? I would like to see things changing for the better at work.
12. What about yourself will you be changing? I would like to get the rest of my weight off and be more active.
13. What happened in 2006 that you didn't think would ever happen? Met someone special when I wasn't even looking after I painfully ended a realtionship that meant a lot to me.
14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about? I am nice to them now. That is what caring is all about.
15. Will you dress differently this year then you did in 2006? If I get the rest of this weight off? You betcha.
16. Will you start or quit drinking? No
17. Will you better your relationship with your family? Think its a good as its going to get.
18. Will you do charity work? Do some now.
19. Will you go to bars? Probably not.
20. Will you be nice to people you don't know? I am now.
21. Do you expect 2007 to be a good year for you? I certainly hope so. I'm about due.
22. How much did you change from this time last year till now? I've come a long way in how I handle my poly relationships.
23. Do you plan on having a child? Hell, NO!
24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? Most definitely.
25. Major lifestyle changes? Not that I plan on.
26. Will you be moving? Only if I hit the lottery.
27. What will you make sure doesn't happen in 2007 that happened in 2006? I will make sure that this relationship lasts.
28. What are your New Year's Eve plans? Not absolutely sure just yet.
29. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight? Definitely.
30. One wish for 2007? Better health for family and friends.