sex survay

Jan 03, 2008 04:22

coz nto every one wants to ready, but if you do leave a comment..

1) Age: 18
2) Gender: other
3) Sexuality: anthrosexual
4) Have you ever dated? depends what you call dating, but I guess so yes.
5) --How long was your longest relationship? depends what you call a relations ship but like aobut a + a year and counting.
6) --How long was your shortest relationship? minutes...?
7) Have you ever been in love? yes
8) --How many people have you been in love with? too many
9) Have you ever said “I love you” to someone and not meant it? kind of..
10) Would you have sex with someone you weren’t in love with? well I guess, since I have.
11) Do you like the idea of waiting for a while before having sex in a relationship? well I have a love-hate thing going with that, I like the idea, but hate the practice.
12) Do you like the idea of having a one-night stand? no, but I have.
13) Do you think that it is a good, bad, or irrelevant thing to be a female virgin in high school? virginity doesn't exsist.
14) Do you think that it is a good, bad, or irrelevant thing to be a male virgin in high school? virginity doesn't exsist.
15) Do you consider yourself a virgin? virginity doesn't exsist.
16) --How old were you when you lost your virginity? virginity doesn't exsist, but 15 and a half
17) --What gender was the person you lost your virginity to? you would have to ask them, but at the time futch female lesbian identified.
18) --If you’d like, describe the circumstances. well it happened over many days/weeks..
19) Is there an age by which you wanted/want to lose your virginity? no
20) --Why? I was never and never will be a virgin.
21) What do you feel the purpose of sex is? I can't find one.
22) Who first gave you “The Talk” about sex? well I mean if you count stealing porn with a friend and then talking about it...
23) Did you learn anything about sex from movies, books, or other forms of media? well yeah thats where I learn everything.
24) --What did you learn, and what was it from? everything...?
25) Did you ever have any false assumptions about sex? If so, what were they? not really, anything I didn't know I looked, I was the go to person for that. but I mean you really don't know that you have misconseptions till some one tell you that its wronge, so... female ejaculation.
26) Are you comfortable talking to your parents about sex? no!
27) Are you comfortable talking to your friends about sex? some of them.
28) Who are you most comfortable talking about sex with? I'm not really sure it really depends on the surcumstances.
29) Were you ever given any advice about sex? If so, what was it? I'm genderally giving the advice and mostly about stuff that I haven't actually done, but I listen to what people tell me and then I gain all thei sexual experience and is why I know what I know and that the advice I give is good.
30) Do you have any advice for others about sex? If so, what is it? You have a question I have an answer, or will shortly!
31) Do you feel that protected sex is less enjoyable than unprotected sex? well I actually have never had "safer sex" though I am the bigest advocate for it that I know, but if you use enough good lube you should be fine, and you should always use lube anyway.
32) Do/would you have protected or unprotected sex? I don't have have a pref. but I think latex is sexy, and that safer sex is hot. but yeah...
33) If you have condoms/dental dams/etc., where do you store them? Yes Ask me if you need them! I have a really awesome box I keep them in, and you should too!
34) Have you ever been in a store that sold sex toys? all the time.
35) --Do you remember any specific toys, people or events from when you were there? well I got kicked out the first time coz my and my friend were giggling about something...
36) Have you ever gone shopping for sex toys with the intent of purchasing one? why would you go shoping for one if you didn't want one???
37) Do you masturbate? eh yeah, I guess.
38) Do you think masturbation is enlightening, something to be ashamed of, just a thing people do, or something else entirely? I think that it is anything you want it to be or something you don't want it to be depending on the person.
39) Have you ever had an orgasm? I would say "Duh!" but I know people that haven't so..
40) --How did you achieve it? depends..
41) --How old were you when you first had one? I don't remember.
42) --How would you describe the feeling? every one is different so I can't
43) Have you ever kissed a girl? yes! and I personally think that if you haven't you're missing out.
44) Have you ever had sex with a girl? dependes what you call sex but yeah I guess.
45) What do you think of girls, personality-wise? it depends on the girl.
46) What do you think of the female body? that it is really really sexy, genderally speaking.
47) What are a few words you’d use to describe the vagina? I don't know.
48) Have you ever kissed a boy? yeah, the first time was aweful..
49) Have you ever had sex with a boy? well depends how you define sex, but I think so, but it was a very lesbian-ish experience.
50) What do you think of boys, personality-wise? it depends.
51) What do you think of the male body? I'm not really attracted to it right now, nothing special.
52) What are a few words you’d use to describe the penis? on a woman its wounderful, but on a guy its kinda like " you want to do what with your what?! put that thing away!"
53) If you were having sex with a boy, would the size of his penis matter to you? when I have sex with guys it does not involve that part so... yeah. but of course it would matter.
54) --How big is too big? I don't know.
55) --How small is too small? no clue
56) If you have a penis, how large is it? if I had one it would but aobut 5 and a half inches, and about avrage girth ask any one I know, who says that you can tell the size by looking at some one.
57) If you were having sex with a girl, would the size of her breasts matter to you? I don't care about brest size, they preferably have them though.
58) --How big is too big? if it hurts you.
59) --How small is too small? there isn't too small
60) If you have breasts, how large are they? 34C+
61) What, in your opinion, are some physical features which make a boy attractive? I don't know, ask me and I'll probaly tell you that hes unattractive, unless her femme or trans.
62) What, in your opinion, are some physical features which make a girl attractive? um... any thing??? ask me..
63) Do you consider one gender to be better than the other? there are a lot of different genders... but I do have prefs, like mtf over ftms, but I also like gender queers.
64) --Which is better? its persona preferance.
65) --Why? that is a good question.
66) Do you consider yourself to be a sexy person? sometimes..
67) What is your favourite quality about yourself? depends on the day.
68) --Do you feel that other people notice this quality? sometimes
69) What is your least favourite quality about yourself? depends on the day
70) --Do you feel that other people notice this quality? always.
71) What is the funniest story about sex that you can remember right now? well its not one of mine but it involves doughnuts and oral... heh its really not what you think.
72) What do you want to know about sex, but never felt comfortable asking? I am always comfortable asking...

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