Self Talk
Here I am
Wondering how to heal my life.
Book after book.
Prayer after prayer.
Affirmation after affirmation.
My heart hurts.
Nothing seems to make much difference.
I must be really messed up.
More than most.
No music.
No radio.
No TV.
Just me.
In silence.
I hear something.
What is it?
Who is it?
It's my own voice.
Inside my own mind.
Now I must be crazy.
Oh well, I will listen.
Nothing else has worked.
I am listening to you, whoever you are.
I am your unconsious mind, please just listen.
I have so much to say, so much to show you.
I have been holding it all for so many years.
I don't know what you want to keep and what you want to throw away.
So I have kept it all for you, because I love you.
When you stay so busy, it's hard to get your attention.
I bumped your head. You swore and called me names.
I made you sick... you filled the silence with TV.
I shared my feelings of rejection... you ate too much.
I showed you pictures of your pain... you went jogging.
I played and replayed that fight you had... you read a book about relationships.
Am I so terrifying to be with?
I am you... You are me... We are the same person.
When I hurt, you do too. When you are happy, so am I.
Let's talk. Let's Listen. Let's get in synch with each other.
Let our messages become pure and singular in meaning.
Together we have choices and power to create a beautiful life.
Let's start fresh, now, today!
Blessings of Light,
Marlana "Finding yourself. That's what this search is really all about. That's where all roads lead. Look within. Face the truth of your being - your love, your beauty, your wisdom, your peace. We are all that, and so much more."
-Lissa Coffey (Lisa Marie Coffey)
I believe this last one to be so very true. You must find yourself before you can find any answers to any questions you may have.
Your Brain Usage Profile:
Auditory : 33%
Visual : 66%
Left : 33%
Right : 66%
No matter which side of your brain is dominant,
.:M i n d W a r e:.
can strengthen your emotional brain power by helping you understand how
you feel about yourself.
Lisa, you possess an interesting balance of hemispheric and sensory characteristics, with a slight right-brain dominance and a slight preference for visual processing.
Since neither of these is completely centered, you lack the indecision and second-guessing associated with other patterns. You have a distinct preference for creativity and intuition with seemingly sufficient verbal skills to be able to translate in any meaningful way to yourself and others.
You tend to see things in "wholes" without surrendering the ability to attend to details. You can give them sufficient notice to be able to utitlize and incorporate them as part of an overall pattern.
In the same way, while you are active and process information simultaneously, you demonstrate a capacity for sequencing as well as reflection which allows for some "inner dialogue."
All in all, you are likely to be quite content with yourself and your style although at times it will not necessarily be appreciated by others. You have sufficient confidence to not second-guess yourself, but rather to use your critical faculties in a way that enhances, rather than limits, your creativity.
You can learn in either mode although far more efficiently within the visual mode. It is likely that in listening to conversations or lecture materials you simultaneously translate into pictures which enhance and elaborate on the meaning.
It is most likely that you will gravitate towards those endeavors which are predominantly visual but include some logic or structuring. You may either work particularly hard at cultivating your auditory skills or risk "missing out" on being able to efficiently process what you learn. Your own intuitive skills will at times interfere with your capacity to listen to others, which is something else you may need to take into account.
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