I'm so glad you've had such a great start to your visit!! And you know there are many more good times to be had while you're here. Two weeks is really beginning to seem too short for such a visit. I guess it always is. But it's quality, not quantity...and we will certainly have many more quality get-togethers before you leave.
Your family just never stops growing. I remember when Alyssa was the newest addition. It's like every time we talk you have a new baby in the family to tell me about. Well, it seems that way anyhow.
By the way, sorry the sign got cut off in that picture. My photography skills must've been off that night. :(
we say this every year!! but your right and since the quality is so kick ass i'm trying not to worry about the quantity. you know i will "force" you to see me at least a few more times before i get back on a plane.
there are alot of new babies in the family, it's not just you. between all my cousins there are now 8 new additions since alyssa was born. everytime i turn around someone else is pregnant!
don't worry about cutting off the sign. pajama guy wanted to hold it anyway i could have done without. it's like you sensed that nick.
i agreed with you saturday night and i will agree with you again. it was fantastic seeing you, graham. we should have started spending more time together before i moved. well, i guess we'll always have these visits to look forward too. plus, now you'll have to look me up if you ever out west. we should try and get together at least one more time. i'm sure that we'll; be able to hook something up.
Comments 6
Your family just never stops growing. I remember when Alyssa was the newest addition. It's like every time we talk you have a new baby in the family to tell me about. Well, it seems that way anyhow.
By the way, sorry the sign got cut off in that picture. My photography skills must've been off that night. :(
there are alot of new babies in the family, it's not just you. between all my cousins there are now 8 new additions since alyssa was born. everytime i turn around someone else is pregnant!
don't worry about cutting off the sign. pajama guy wanted to hold it anyway i could have done without. it's like you sensed that nick.
Also, kids = adorable.
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