Busy? Lazy?

Oct 15, 2009 22:51

I've not posted for a while.  My excuse is that I've been busy.  I think it's pretty watertight but I suspect that some people who read this blog would prefer the "lazy" explanation.  Mostly so they would have a pretext to do terrible things.

One bit of news is that the collar I got late last year has undergone some minor collar surgery.

Jakki from the Kinky Farm in Canberra is quite talented with leather and she stamped the Greek words "come" and "take" into a thin piece of leather and glued it onto the inside of the collar.  For those of you not conversant in ancient Greek history, the Persians asked the Spartans at the battle of Thermopylae (the one recreated in 300) to lay down their weapons.  The Spartans replied "come and take them".  (It's also a phrase that has been taken up by the gun lobby in America by the way.)  I wanted it on my collar because it sums up how I feel about giving my submission.  It can't be demanded, but it can be freely given.  My subbie slogan can used in defiance or as an invitation.

Last Friday was the end of season dinner for the Sydney Convicts.  Maitresse attended with me, and I wore a rugby club blazer made from thick dark green wool with yellow trim.  I was told I looked like a north shore schoolboy or like I had mugged a pool table.  I knew I would get comments, and I certainly stuck out.

Afterwards Maitresse tried out her new floggers that she picked up on her trip to Europe.  She tried them all, despite the limited space she had for her backswing.  We had to limit the intensity though.  Generally I make it a rule not to play when I've had alcohol.  There are people who have only seen me at parties who think I don't drink at all.  Towards the end I was overtaken by fatigue after a long day and a few drinks.  I'm looking forward to trying again under better circumstances.

Maitresse and Miss Lis and possibly more are coming down to Canberra for the next under 30s party at the Kinky Farm.  I'm planning to go in my Spartan gear.  Here's hoping it warms up a bit by then.  Just over a week to re-spartanise myself.
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