Title: Basic Black
Characters: Catwoman/Batwoman
Rating: R
Word Count: 240
Disclaimer: DC owns.
AN: for
lilacsigil, prompt- basic black
"That was some quick thinking," Catwoman smiled, leaning against a vent to catch her breath, "I feel I ought to thank you."
"Yeah?" Batwoman was smiling now, too. They barely avoided last hail of bullets. If she hadn't had that last grenade of knockout gas, well, she wouldn't be on a rooftop with the former thief that was certain. "What did you have in mind?"
"Oh, a little of this," Catwoman pushed herself off the vent, "A little of that..."
Batwoman moved towards her. She'd been looking forward to this. All night, while they were forced to work together, the space between them had been charged, for lack of a better word, leaving no doubt what each woman was thinking when looking at the other.
"How about a lot of this..." Batwoman's hands were on Catwoman's hips, "And even more of..." Kate let the kiss finish the sentiment for her.
Their hands were quick, their lips just as fast, kissing what was left bare when their costumes fell away. Catwoman pulled away momentarily, stopping to admire the lovely, etherreal skin of the other woman. She smiled, noticing that the only things that still clung to Batwoman protectively were her mask, which Selina wouldn't remove, and a simple black bra and panties, which she would.
"Basic black, huh?"
Batwoman fought a smile. "It works."
"That it does," Catwoman practically purred before kissing her again and throwing the last of their clothes to the side.
Title: Five Things About Gambit
Characters: Gambit
Rating: G
Word Count: 230
Disclaimer: DC owns.
AN: for
merfilly, prompt- five things about Gambit
Remy LeBeau is a Southern gentleman through and through. He will open doors, pull out chairs, is respectful to his elders (except Wolverine), is courteous to everyone (except telepaths trying to read his mind), and he never ogles women, he appreciates them.
When he loves, he loves hard. It doesn't matter if the brother of the woman he loved tried to kill him or if she abandoned him to a cold, cruel land like Antarctica, he still cares about them. It's the reason he has only been in love twice.
One time, once, he tried searching for his biological parents. However, when the moment came that he thought he was getting pretty close, he gave it up. If they didn't want anything to do with him, he didn't want anything to do with them. He only regrets his decision sometimes.
Gambit's two favorite weapons have significant meaning to him. The bo-staff was the preferred weapon of his adoptive father, Jean-Luc, and Gambit got himself one just like it. And as for the playing cards, Henri gave Remy his first set not long after they became brothers.
Whenever Remy decides to settle down (and that's years down the line) he plans on having a large family. He grew up in one and he wants that for his children as well. Besides, he's sure that Rogue, being an only child, would want that, too.