Title: Thanksgiving Dinner Characters: Dick/Roy, Lian, Dinah/Babs, Bruce/Selina, Batfamily Rating: G Word Count: 1340 Disclaimer: DC Comics owns. AN: For pervyficgirl! Hope you had a great birthday! =D
I made them all show up even if some *coughJasonandDamiancough* didn't want to be there, lol!
I was feeling nostalgic, hee, and I also don't know enough about the DCnU to write something in it. Btw, is there anyone you're really enjoying in the DCnU?
Comments 3
I do enjoy seeing families together like this on the holidays. Leave it to Dick to organize the whole thing! :)
I had fun coming up with this one! And it seemed fitting for Dick to be the one getting everyone together! ;)
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I made them all show up even if some *coughJasonandDamiancough* didn't want to be there, lol!
I was feeling nostalgic, hee, and I also don't know enough about the DCnU to write something in it. Btw, is there anyone you're really enjoying in the DCnU?
You're very welcome! *hugs*
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