July 11-17 2006
Respect the power of your voice this week, Oh Child of Fire! If there has been any tension between you and others of late, my advice is to for you to take a step back and consider who you are and what you stand for. It is time to remember that you have a source of incredible strength deep inside you. You need to stand in that strength. Once you have done this, you can step forward agan and remind those in your life that you have a voice. Stand in your power and speak your mind!
More than usual, good communication skills are the essential to a healthy and happy life this week, my dear Taurus. It is possible that your inner feelings and intuitions will not match up with the professed truths of the people around you. If this were the case, you would do well to remember that your feelings are not always rooted in the solid ground of rational thought. Projections could run high, if unchecked and this could lead to some pretty serous misunderstandings. Good communication skills, (particularly revolving around clarification, feedback, and the understanding that every situation has at least two sides) can greatly help you to resolve any tension generated from good old fashion miscommunication.
Looking at the map of the sky this week, Gemini, I can see that you are on the eve of a breakthrough concerning how you see yourself and where you see your place is in this crazy world of ours. Before this happens, it will be very useful to take some personal reflection time. Meditate on the things you are working to develop, the things that are import to you and the things you are willing to let go of. This will offer you some much-needed stability when the breakthrough begins. It will also help you to avoid the shiny distractions that almost always accompany changes in understanding one’s place in the world.
Communication might be tricky right now, dear Cancer. It is very important to give yourself a little extra time between the major events of your day. Pause before you leave the house to make sure you have everything you need, double check your to-do lists, and give yourself extra time while driving. Padding in your schedule will certainly help prevent unneeded frustration. And remember, when things to play out the way you want: you can just roll with the punches. Most things are not worth risking your emotional wellbeing over.
Neptune, the planet of illusions and spiritual mystery, has been playing hide and seek with you for sometime now, Leo. The nature of this game has shown Neptune to be both your trusted partner, giving your great spiritual insight, and a mocking alien, whose laughing face is just beyond reach. My advice to you now is to not give up. You are nearing a very special turning point in this game. Soon, the universe will begin talking to you with greater clarity and respect than ever before. Your willingness to keep playing with Neptune, even when it does not play fair, is about to pay off. Prepare to catch your pray!
Idealism abounds for you right now, dear Virgo. The past several weeks have been a time of social growth and personal accomplishments. This energy will remain active in your life for another week or more. If you wish, you can take advantage of it. You can work to expand your social circle. You can show the people around you some of your hidden talents. You put your ideal self before and take real steps toward becoming the person you wish to become. Remember that you can achieve perfection only if you are willing to live it, own it and love its presence in your life.
Of all the signs of the Zodiac, it is you dear Libra, that we look to when we have misunderstandings and interpersonal conflicts. You are very skilled at helping us see though our blind spots and flaws. You help us understand each other and to get along. This pattern needs to stop for a short time, however. You see, the stars are telling me your social skills are seriously hampered right now. My advice is to step back from your role as social councilor and communal caretaker. You need to let the problems of the world go and attend to your own needs. Or better yet, let us care for you.
Watch out for people misinterpreting your words and actions this week, Scorpio. The reason for this is that the planet of communications, Mercury, has gone into the retrograde position. This means that normal communication patterns are going to receive extra complications. My advice to you is to try to take extra care in how you talk for the next few weeks. If people do misunderstand what you, try not to take it personally. Simply take a step back and let them calm down. Then, try to explain yourself again, after they have a clear head.
My Dear Sagittarius, healthy communication is very important in the coming weeks. Without implying that you are at fault here, let me offer some advise which might help. Take a moment between hearing the words of those close to you and giving your reaction or response. It is highly likely that their word choice will not be as exact and they might have liked. This extra time will give a chance to reflect on what you know about the person. Then, you can offer a request for clarification, if their spoken words are not consistent with what you would expect from them. This process will slow the normal flow of communication somewhat. However, it will certainly help you to avoid more than one communication disaster.
Remember to listen all the available information before reacting to your friends and loved ones, Capricorn. In the coming weeks, this advice is important because clear communication between people is at a serious disadvantage. During this time, it will be very easy to jump to conclusions. Overreaction is likely when it appears that you are being judged or criticized. Therefore, it is very important to give those people who are dear to you the benefit of the doubt before assuming that they are insulting or disrespecting you. Remember that there is a big difference sometimes between what you heard and what the other person said.
Listening is more important that speaking right now, my dear Aquarius. Your insights are often very helpful to those around you. However, for the next few weeks, your off beat wisdom and quirky comments might serve to aggravate those you love. Try not to take this personally. The issue is not coming from you. It is that the people around you are under the influence of confusion and are having difficulty hearing what you are tying to say.
Slow down in the coming weeks, my dear Pisces. The powers that be will require you to take even more time than usual to find your keys (or shoes), to get from place to place, and to adequately express yourself to your loved ones. Please try to understand that this time will pass soon enough. Try to be patient and forgiving with yourself. This will be the key difference between an inconvenience and an aggravation.