astrology for july 24-30

Jul 25, 2006 13:35

Astrology for July 24 - 30 2006

Welcome to your weekly Sun-Sign astrology column. If you are unfamiliar with how Sun-Sign astrology works, let me offer you a few pieces of advice. Firstly, Sun-Sign astrology is not like natal astrology, where your astrologer creates a personalized astrology chart that can be used look at anything from your family of origin, to your love life or your career. Sun-Sign astrology offers a more general field of advice. Its aim is to track general trends in the astrological weather and offer wide-ranging advice to help you navigate life’s little challenges.
To make the most of this tool, I recommend that you:

1. Look at your sun-sign
2. Look at your rising and/or moon sign for additional advice (this information can be found with the aid of an astrologer or a good astrology website)
3. Look all of the entries and apply the advice to your life, as you see fit. Each entry offers useful advice designed to assist you in living a meaningful life.

I hope that you enjoy your astrological column. I am available for personal chart interpretations. If interested, please contact me at or 503-241-5040.

-Shon Clark

Aries March 21-April 19

Tensions are high for you this week, Aries. Watch out for conflict of duty or of loyalty. On of the factors to keep in mind is that your natural impulse to just be yourself is running very hot right now. This might cause you to misinterpret the actions of the people around you. My advice is for you to take extra time to cool down before you say anything out of passion. This will help you to avoid burning any bridges that you will need in the future. Heavy physical activity might be a good way for you to let your extra tensions out with out offending anyone.

Taurus April 20-May 20

Over the past several weeks, my dear Taurus, the stars have been singing you the song of exploration and of new ideas. The intent here was to lure you out of your comfort zone so that you could explore, learn and grow. This is not always easy for the earth-based sign of the Bull. Therefore, you will be pleased to know that the song of exploration has come to an end. In its place, you will find a desire to reconnect with home and hearth. My advice is to seek out your Family and dear friends. Reconnecting with these people will give you a sense of comfort and safety, which is necessary after any mental or physical excursion. Let the dear ones in your life you ground your energy again. In exchange, you can help them by sharing your recent adventures and excursions. In this way, you will both grow.

Gemini May 21-June 21

Let your mind be free this week, dear Gemini. The stars are telling me that your creativity is awake and your imagination is boundless. However, keep in mind that your ruling planet, Mercury, is still retrograde. This means that sharing your ideas with the people outside your head will be difficult. My advice is to journal about your insights. This will allow them to mature. You will be able to share them with the people in your life in about 6-7 weeks, well after Mercury gets back on track.

Cancer June 22-July 22

Key words for this week, Cancer, are Home, Kinship and Possessions. Be aware of how you can help out those people in your community who are experiencing need. Their need will likely extend beyond the monetary and material; though this is always a good place to start. My advice is for you to examine what you have a lot of or what you are really good such as money, a home cooked meal, an ear or shoulder. Each of these gifts would invaluable if they were offered at the right time. Listen to your heart and you will help someone feel the difference between the warm glow of communal support and the cold chill of separation.

Leo July 23-August 22

Dear Leo, as you may be already aware, the Sun begun its month-long trek though your home sign. This is a fancy way of saying “Happy Birthday!” To celebrate, I recommend that you take stock of the past year. Mentally revisit the high and low points. Examine any unfulfilled desires or dreams. Think about any new relationships or any important losses. Treat this like an energetic house cleaning. It will help you transition into this year with since of newness and vigor. Key phrases for the coming weeks are: new beginnings, positive self-expression, and joyous living.

Virgo August 23-September 22

The Mystery of who you are and why you are here is singing to you again, Virgo. As I say this, I can hear that critical voice in your head saying, you must be crazy or I must be broken because I don’t hear anything. Before this critical voice gets any farther in its logical rant of your mystical brokenness, please hear me out. You should know that everyone can hear the song of their own mystery. This song has been specially crafted for them. It is not possible for them to not hear it. It is keyed to them and them alone. Yet, on the other hand, I believe you when you say that you cannot hear the song. What we are experiencing here is a problem of language. We are at a time in human history where our mystical descriptive words are too few in number. Most of the words have been coined by people who have visions, can talk to angels, and can feel the flow of subtle energies. What we need to understand is that these talents belong primarily to the sign of Pisces, which happens to be opposed to the sign of Virgo. This means that most of the mystical nouns and verbs are 180 degrees away from your ability to understand or use. To assist you in solving this problem I have two pieces of advice. First, devote some time this month to the exploration of how you verify the existence of truth, joy, and passion. Pay special attention to the ways in which you “see” or “feel” these experiences. What you might find is that you are not seeing with your eyes, nor are you hearing with your ears, not in traditional since. Yet, you are taking in the information and you are able to talk about it. The second piece of advice is to understand that this same for mystical phenomenon. The way you sense truth will be the same way you can sense your life’s song. This might include skills that are more rational or intellectual and less intuitive or mystical. This should not stop you, in fact is the point. It is time for Virgos (as well as some Taurans and Capricorns and a few other signs) to start developing their own spiritual verification system, one that is keyed to you and your particular talents. My final request is that you share your insights with the rest of us so that we can learn to use the your vocabulary when we talk to you about spiritual matters.

Libra September 23-October 23

Your calendar is about to fill up, if it has not done so already, Libra. The theme is social requirements and obligations. Take care not to over extend yourself during this time. You will have plenty of energy to keep up with the crazy schedule for a time, however, this energy will come to an sudden end before your schedule clears up, near the beginning of Fall. My advice to you, therefore, is to write a new weekly appointment into your calendar. Title this appointment Sanity Time. Write this appointment in for a two-hour block of time, once a week at the same time each week. Then hold to the appointment as you would any other. Use this time to sit with your thought, take yourself to a movie or out to lunch. This will make the difference between an easy summer and a very difficult summer. You will thank yourself come fall.

Scorpio October 24-November 21

Obligation, reputation and status are key words for you in the coming weeks, oh Scorpio. This will come into your life though whatever avenue holds you as the most responsible. Your work environment, your school, or your households are some common examples. In any case, it is time to buckle down and show the powers that be just how much your can accomplish. For now, you are the workhorse and you have a mountain to move. Don’t worry, if you work hard now you can expect a very nice pay off in about four - nine months.

Sagittarius November 22-December 22

You are in your element this week, Sagittarius. The stars are right for you to have a grand adventure, either in your mind or in the real world. This can include, travel to an exotic location, sitting with a powerful spiritual guide or teacher, or having a wonderful philosophical debate. The key concepts here are exploration and the breaking of new ground. Just get out there and live. Consider that life is your best friend and it is eager to show you just how much fun the two of you can have.

Capricorn December 23-January 19

Material restrictions are upon you, right now Capricorn. This might manifest in any number of financial and material difficulties. My suggestion is that you act as if you are at the beginning a money drought. Take a careful look at your income and your expenses. Then, be aware that you might have some unexpected surprises, which could cause you to either dip into your reserves or tap a friend for a loan. If you practice frugal spending for the next several weeks and continue to be cautious though the end of fall, you should not have too much difficulty. The restrictions will lift entirely by the end of December and life should return to normal again.

Aquarius January 20-February 18

The puzzle of your life has been causing you a high degree of frustration recently, my dear Aquarius. My advice is to look to the people around you because they hold some clues the successful solving of this puzzle. You see, the Universe has heard your cries of frustration and prayers for guidance. In response, it has prepared several coded messages of advice. These messages will be delivered to you directly, by the most unlikely suppliers. Therefore, you would do well to listen to the people around you with the ear of creativity. You will be surprise at how candidly the Universe will speak to you.

Pisces February 19-March 20

It is time once again, dear Pisces, for you look to your community for positive feedback and affection. The reason for this is that you are about to enter a very busy time. Focused work and service will be the themes of this period. When it is upon you, it will be very difficult for you to ask for the love and support you will need. Therefore, take this week as an opportunity to stock up on words of appreciation and acts of kindness from your family and social/spiritual community. Ask for gifts of love and affection. Seek out quality time with your dearest friends. And most importantly, ignore that inner demon who tells you that these request are a burden to those who love you. You know better than this. So, stock up now and you will surely prevent any sense of emotional neglect that could be coming your way over the next several weeks.

© Shon Clark 2006
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