Astrology for the week of July 31 - Auguest 6 2006
Aries March 21-April 19
Honest and unashamed self-expression is the key that will unlock your inner fire this week, oh Aries. This fire is central to who you are and why you are here. If it burns hot enough, you might gain a glimpse into the heart of your own life purpose. The only thing you have to do in order to access this vision is to be yourself. Therefore, it is time to play hard, love hard, and live life to its fullest. Let your inner fire be an inspirational tool of transformation to those around you. This will help you to come into deeper contact with your own soul and it will also help free those around you. This is your hour, go out there and enjoy yourself.
Taurus April 20-May 20
Intense conflicts and challenges are in motion around you, Taurus. It is likely that these difficulties are not touching you directly, though this is not guaranteed. The nature of the conflict has to do with the expression of innovation, on one side, and tradition, on the other. My advice is to stay clear of the conflict because it truly has nothing to do with you. Even if you are involved, the conflict is not about you or who you truly are. As always, remain loyal to your friends but do your best to not engage by taking sides. If you can do this, you will avoid some very nasty backlashes that will likely manifest come mid-fall.
Gemini May 21-June 21
I recommend that you start a new hobby or two this week, Gemini. Some good ideas include basket weaving, juggling or origami. This will allow your fingers to keep up with the heightened metal activity you have been subjecting your friends and family to of late. This is by no means your fault. The stars are telling me that you have been literally inundated with mental observations and insights. So much so, that it is a wonder that even you can keep up. Have no fear, however.
Cancer June 22-July 22
Let me offer you hearty Congratulations, Cancer! This week mercury, the planet of communication, will resume its forward motion, after nearly three weeks of backward motion. During this time, communications, scheduling, and timing have been very difficult. Your sign was the most directly impacted by this because the retrograde period occurred within the sign of Cancer. So congratulations, after almost a month of confusion you can breath easy. Normal communication patterns are presently returning to normal.
Leo July 23-August 22
You stand at a crossroads, oh Leo. Behind you are the consequences of your relationship with discipline over the past 6-12 months. Ahead of you are another 6-12 months that will vary greatly depending on your relationship with discipline this week. You can approach this week in one of two ways. On the one hand, you can willingly work with discipline and responsibility. Doing this will result in a ten-fold payback over the next 6-12 months. On the other hand, you can avoid your responsibilities in favor of personal freedom. This will result challenging restrictions in the months to come. Keep in mind that the Powers that are overseeing this process do not have a personal stake in this. For them, this matter is cause and effect, nothing more. If you approach this issue in a similar light you will transverse this week easily.
Virgo August 23-September 22
Mercury is the planet of communications and it is also the ruler of your home sign, Virgo. This rulership means that any shift in Mercury movement will directly impact your life. Such a shift has just happened, with Mercury shifting from Retrograde to Direct this week. What this means is that communications have been focused inward and therefore difficult for many people. As the planet settles back into its normal pattern, you will experience shifting in the way you communicate. In most cases, this will be a shift from difficulty to ease. My advice is to be forgiving to yourself and those around you. Any mistakes in scheduling or accuracy that have occurred over the past several weeks are a side effect of this retrograde period. Grace and understanding will go along way to assisting everyone in getting back to a normal routine.
Libra September 23-October 23
Breathe easy, dear Libra. The social craziness, that has been plaguing yourself and nearly everyone else, is finally lifting. Scheduling difficulties are about to ease up. Communication will be getting clearer. Mental exercise such as math and writing will return to their normal state of clarity. Take care that it might take a week or more for things to return to normal, however I can assure you that the sanity is coming back.
Scorpio October 24-November 21
Six weeks of miscommunications and chaotic schedules has come to an end, my dear Scorpio. For you, this time of difficulty has landed right in the middle of your ability to relax. Either though a lack of time, poor planning or some unwelcome mayhem your ability to take it easy and enjoy summer has been seriously interrupted. My advice, therefore, is to get out of town for a nice long vacation either in fall or winter. Now is the perfect time to plan such a get a way. The stars have lined up to give you an extra boost in the area of planning and organization. In addition, you might find your self with a little extra money in hand if you have been careful to save during the spring. So, take a look around and start plotting. I recommend that you aim for late September or mid-December.
Sagittarius November 22-December 22
Stability within Growth and its counterpart Growth within Discipline are the key concept for you this week, oh adventurous Sagittarius. I recommend that you spend time either meditating on, or experimenting with, these paradoxical ideas. If you do, that bewildering Sagittarian luck of yours will kick in and you will easily stumble upon at lease one staggering insight. This is the magic glue that will help you piece together the necessary parts of this puzzle and gain a new (or deeper) understanding into the connection between restriction and advancement. My advice is to not worry too much about being able to reproduce your trail of insights for others. It is possible that this information has been made special, just for you. Trying to explain it to the people around you might make you sound crazy, and we both know how true that is.
Capricorn December 23-January 19
A significant amount of emotional pressure has been building inside you of late, Capricorn. The down side of this experience manifests itself as a great deal of frustration, even anger, at the people around you. On the upside, the pressure has allowed you to breakthrough some inner walls that have not served your highest good in more than a decade. These walls have kept you in a state of isolation by preventing you from feeling the love that you spiritual family has for you. With these walls gone, you will be able to enter into communal connection with greater ease than ever before. Your now is to start processing the changes that have taken place within you. My advice to you is that you practice self-compassion and gentleness with yourself this week. Keep in mind that the amount of emotional pressure that had built up inside of you is noteworthy. It will take a few weeks for you to regain your equilibrium.
Aquarius January 20-February 18
Discipline is very important this week, Aquarius. It is very important for you to not overact to outside pressures, misunderstandings with authority figures or restriction of material resources. Each of these situations will be short lived if you turn your attention to what you are actually doing, spending or saying. Opinions and beliefs of those around you bare little resemblance to your actual motivation or actual actions. My advice is to keep your eyes on your long-term goal and let any misunderstandings or restrictions work themselves out over time. This will likely occur, quite naturally, over the next few weeks.
Pisces February 19-March 20
The natural tendencies of the watery sign of Pisces are to lean toward the mystical and away from the rational. Recently, however, the Universe has asked you to step out of your comfort zone and to develop your logical and linear side. I know that this request is unfair, perhaps even unreasonable, but it is before you nonetheless. I would like to remind you that, if you are having difficulties with this growth opportunity, you should to look around for some help. Remember, every time the Universe challenges us like this, it also gives us the resources we need in order to grow to meet the challenge. I recommend that you look to the people in your tribe. I assure you that you will find what you need.
© Shon Clark 2006