Astrology for the week of August 7-13 2006
By Shon Clark
Welcome to my weekly Sun-Sign astrology column. If you are unfamiliar with how Sun-Sign astrology works, let me offer you a few pieces of advice. Firstly, Sun-Sign astrology is not like natal astrology, where your astrologer creates a personalized astrology chart that can be used look at anything from your family of origin, to your love life or your career. Sun-Sign astrology offers a more general field of advice. Its aim is to track general trends in the astrological weather and offer wide-ranging advice to help you navigate life’s little challenges.
To make the most of this tool, I recommend that you:
1. Look at your sun-sign
2. Look at your rising and/or moon sign for additional advice (this information can be found with the aid of an astrologer or a good astrology website)
3. Look all of the entries and apply the advice to your life, as you see fit. Each entry offers useful advice designed to assist you in living a meaningful life.
I hope that you enjoy your astrological column. If you wish to purchase a personal chart interpretations, for youself or as a gift for a friend, please contact me directly at or 503-241-5040.
-Shon Clark
Aries March 21-April 19
“Who am I?” “Where do I come from?” “What do I really want or need out of life?” These questions have been very important of late, my dear Aries. However, it is also likely that you have not received the most complete answers yet. The reason for this is that the Universe tends to be rather closed lipped with the answers to such important questions. If you were to ask my advice, I would urge you to consider the idea that the Universe is a Lover and it must be wooed before it will give up its precious secrets. If you become a courter to this lover, you are likely to come to see that the Universe has had its eye on you for some time. It has been patiently waiting for you to come around and show it your affections. Once you have proven your love, I guarantee that the Universe will take you into its confidence. It will sing songs of love to you. It will tell you anything you ask. Let the courtship begin.
Taurus April 20-May 20
There are times in your life when you will be advised to leave the comfort and safety of your routines, my dear Taurus. Let me tell you that this week is not one of those times. If you do the astrological weather may not be very kind to you. My advice is to stay grounded, keep your emotions close to you, and save your time and energy for those who truly know your heart. You can be adventurous later on; this week play it safe.
Gemini May 21-June 21
Take a moment, my duel minded friend, and think back to the things you loved when you were a child (7-10 years of age). This list can include people, places, or ideas. While reading the astrological weather for this week, I have discovered that the time is right for you to revisit some of these things. This can be a simple reviewing, a reliving, or an actual alteration / update of the original love experience. How this plays out will depend on your intention and your willingness to let go of the past. Therefore, my advice is to open your heart and be prepared to let go of who you used to be. This will clear the way for some very beneficial changes to the person you are about to become.
Cancer June 22-July 22
I hope that you did some spring-cleaning this year, my dear Cancer. If you did, you will have room in your life for some marvelous new toys. The bad news is that these new toys are coming to you even if you did not clear the way for their arrival. My advice is to look at your physical living/working space and do some prioritizing. It is time to clear out some of the old so you can invite in the new. This is important because these new objects are a direct message from the Universe. The Divine Powers that guide you wish you to see how successful you have been on your chosen life path. Making room for these objects can be your way of responding in kind. The Divine Powers will read your actions as you saying “Thank you. I understand and I accept your gift.”
Leo July 23-August 22
In honor of your birthday, oh Leo, the Powers That Be have asked me to convey to you a very important message. For the next week, they are willing to grant you whatever words you speak aloud and with clearly. Be aware, however, that this wish granting will not be limited to only those things that are good for you. You need to understand that voice is a very powerful manifestation tool. What you say will have a large impact on what you get. Therefore, I would recommend that you limit your speech to those times when you are being very intentional. Once you have done this, it is time for you to claim what you truly want out of life. The time is yours, seize the day. Let the Universe hear your mighty roar.
Virgo August 23-September 22
Be on the lookout for old or hidden parts of your life coming back to life, Virgo. Possibilities include the recovery of old memories, the reconnection with old friends, or the rediscovery of old hobbies/interests. This could spark a period of nostalgia. Be mindful that this does not progress into a “grass is greener on the other side” cycle. The past is the past and you live in the present. There was a good reason for the things you loved moving out of your life. Therefore, I recommend that you enjoy a short visitation from the glory days. However, take care to not attempt a recreation of them.
Libra September 23-October 23
Look to your social world this week, oh Libra. It is likely that you will find that your participation will be welcome in one or more important projects. Dedication of your time and energy to assist the larger group is an excellent way for you to feel useful. Please do not underestimate the value of this feeling. Particularly at this time, your higher self craves the inclusion and connection that comes from helping your community thrive. If you are already participating in a helpful way, I would advise you to meditate on how this gifting of your time and energy actually feeds you. This will provide you with some valuable insight into your deepest truth.
Scorpio October 24-November 21
Life might seem a little surreal for the next few months, my dear Scorpio. The reason for this is that Saturn (the planet of rules and structure) and Neptune (the planet of intuition and mystery) are dancing towards a stand off that could lead to outright conflict. It is unknown how their confrontation will result. And outcome, however, will not be easy on the sign of Scorpio (a sign who posses both structure and intuition). My advice, therefore, is to step back and let the boys duke it out. If you can find a way to disengage in the ever-present struggle between rationality and intuition, you will save yourself a lot of confusion and difficulty. Life will return to normal near October.
Sagittarius November 22-December 22
Take it easy this week, dear Sagittarius. There have been plenty of changes in motion around you of late and it is time for a break. I recommend that you get out of your normal routine. Call up an old friend, visit the beach or the mountains, write in your journal or read good book. Any one of these activities will help you relax and recharge. Soon enough, life will take us back into the craziness and the chaos. Therefore, my advice is to kick back and watch life for a little while.
Capricorn December 23-January 19
Take some time this week, Capricorn, to examine your relationship to fear. You can do this by making a list of the things you have had fear for in your past. Pay special attention to those things that are long term and that you do not believe you have let go of yet. Once this list is complete, speak each item aloud. Say for example, I have a fear of large dogs, or whatever your fear is. As you speak, listen to your body and observe your mind. In some cases, you will feel active indications of fear, such as cold sensation in your stomach or a feeling of panic. In other cases, you will not have these sensations. If this is the case, I advise you to consider the possibility that you have the idea of fear, not the reality of fear. Perhaps you had it long ago and have since released it or perhaps you never really had the fear at all. Either way, this is good news and I offer you my Congratulations!
Aquarius January 20-February 18
Be aware that the stars are testing you this week, Aquarius. They are offering you a glimpse into the desires that you hold close to your heart. What you need to remember is that these glimpses are illusionary not reality. At best, they will help you by giving you insight into where you are on your chosen life path. However, their premises might be short lived or they could cause more long-term trouble than they are worth. My advice is for you to keep your wits about you. Rely on the test of time, not the quick fix.
Pisces February 19-March 20
Be aware of your health right now, Pisces. The great celestial guides have asked me to give you this advice because your body is changing. More than at other times in your life, you need to be aware of the things you consume, including food, conversation, and emotions. Question each of these things to see if they are truly good for you. If they are not, it is surely time to make some changes. You will feel better for it.
© Shon Clark 2006