Astrology for the week of August 14-20 2006
By Shon Clark
Welcome to my weekly Sun-Sign astrology column. If you are unfamiliar with how Sun-Sign astrology works, let me offer you a few pieces of advice. Firstly, Sun-Sign astrology is not like natal astrology, where your astrologer creates a personalized astrology chart that can be used look at anything from your family of origin, to your love life or your career. Sun-Sign astrology offers a more general field of advice. Its aim is to track general trends in the astrological weather and offer wide-ranging advice to help you navigate life’s little challenges.
To make the most of this tool, I recommend that you:
1. Look at your sun-sign
2. Look at your rising and/or moon sign for additional advice (this information can be found with the aid of an astrologer or a good astrology website)
3. Look all of the entries and apply the advice to your life, as you see fit. Each entry offers useful advice designed to assist you in living a meaningful life.
I hope that you enjoy your astrological column. If you wish to purchase a personal chart interpretations, for youself or as a gift for a friend, please contact me directly at or 503-241-5040.
-Shon Clark
Aries March 21-April 19
Oh Aries, it is time for you to surrender to the wonderful work ahead of you. I understand that surrender is a difficult thing to do, especially in this culture. I also understand that a deep part of you believes that if you do this you will loose part of your core self and become a slave to a will other than your own. Let me take a moment to assure you that this will not happen. The reason is that the work ahead of you is part of your core self. It is the fear that has made you a slave: a slave to outdated ideas, a slave to a fear that has no basis in actual reality, a slave who has missed out on the best life has to offer. I assure you that the work ahead of you will grant you a level of happiness that has thus far been unknown in your life.
Taurus April 20-May 20
You need to know, Dear Taurus, that common astrological wisdom tells us that you are one of the strongest signs of the zodiac. This wisdom claims that it is you who gives the greatest strength to your tribe. It is said that you are the ground which they rest their convictions; you are the rock on which they stand. You should also know, that I understand that you feel this is an error. You see, many Taurans believe that they can barely take care of their own needs. The idea of supporting others makes you feel insufficient and meek. These two facts create a very important illusion. One in which the community believes it draws strength from you and in reality they are drawing it from a deeper source. Keep in mind that the illusion does not harm anyone. In the coming weeks, this illusion will be very important. I advise you to look around your tribe and to recognize that there are some who need your support and strength. It does not matter if you feel the strength yourself. What matters is that the other person is in deep need and that you are in perfect place to offer this aid. Just play the role; the universal powers will do the rest.
Gemini May 21-June 21
Happy National Aviation week, Gemini. This week also includes National Relaxation Day (August 15th) and National Bad Joke Day (August 20th). To celebrate these special occasions, I recommend that you flaunt your powers of creativity and inspiration. Please do not take this advice lightly. You are in a unique position to show the rest of us just how many expressions of happiness life truly has to offer. This is a very powerful gift, I am sure you will use it wisely.
Cancer June 22-July 22
The Universe has asked me to convey to you its blessing of courage and patience, Cancer. It seems that you are in danger of succumbing to the illusion of suffering that pervades this place we call life. I am not saying this to imply any fault or blame on your part. It is normal for human beings to have a difficult time with the illusion of suffering. We seem to be hard wired for it. In fact, all of the world’s religions, spiritual teachings and philosophical school came into existence to help us resist the harmful effects of suffering. If you accept the blessing from the Universe, it will come to you free of charge. Its intent is to help you to regain your trust in the Universal Good. The only thing that will be asked of you is that you share this trust with your spiritual family so that they might also receive its benefits.
Leo July 23-August 22
Powerful revelations are in the stars for you this week, oh mighty Leo. The catalyst for these insights might be an incredible healing experience or an important discussion with a family member or a reconnection with an old friend. In any case, what you should focus on is new insights that will come from the encounter. It is very likely that you will discover critical information that could change the foundation of some life-long patterns. If you had access to this information a decade or more ago, the present patterns would never have come into being. This sort of revelation can be very disorientating. My advice is to resist the natural tendency over react when we receive new information concerning foundational beliefs or behaviors. You could be in danger of throwing out the baby with the bath water. Treat yourself with compassion as you begin the process of integrating this new information. Above all, remember that you have a tendency to do your best with what you have. That is as true now as it was in the past.
Virgo August 23-September 22
Subtle awareness is up and outer clarity is down for you right now, oh Virgo. This combination can be very disorientating if you are overly dependant on your rational mind or the people of your social world. My advice is to take this opportunity to become re-acquainted with your inner world of fantasy and mystery. This will be good for you because the Powers That Be have hidden some wonderful treasures in this part of your beings. You can access these gifts if you are willing to sacrifice some of your ability to interact with the rational world. The good news is that this period of time will be over very soon but the treasures will be with you forever. Therefore, your sacrifice will be short lived. In just a few weeks, you will be able to share the fruits of your inner journey with the rational world and every one will benefit.
Libra September 23-October 23
Look to your heart this week, Libra. The reason for this is that Venus, the planet of Relationships, who also rules your sun sign, is experiencing a very difficult time. The theme of this difficulty is the release of old emotional pain. For you, this means the release of grief, which comes from a loss that you experienced a long time ago. My advice to you, therefore, is to practice gentleness with your emotions this week. Listen to your feelings, even if they do not appear to make any sense. It is highly likely that they will lead you to the successful release of this old grief. Once this is done, your heart will be able to enter into a new growth. You will find more beauty and happiness in your life and your ability to love others will be greatly increased.
Scorpio October 24-November 21
One of the greatest strengths of your sign, oh Scorpio, is your unyielding loyalty to those you love and respect. Your tribe is the home of your heart and woe to the one who comes between you and their protection. In the coming weeks, this pattern will flow back to you in the offer of community support. It is unclear if the reason for this supportive offer is a large issue or a small discomfort. Perhaps, you will not truly need their support at all. However, what is clear is that you will have the opportunity to accept their help. My advice is to take it. Briefly put aside your independent streak and say thank you. Ironically, this will be a gift to the people who love you. In an odd way, this act will feed them (and you) by showing them that you trust them enough to let them help you, as they let you help them.
Sagittarius November 22-December 22
Passions run high this week, Sagittarius. Be aware that people close to your heart could accidentally activate slumbering emotions that you might have thought that you processed away a long time ago. This could remind you of an old love, dream, or desire. If this occurs, I urge you to take a moment and sit with the memories. At first, they will be painful, as they are filled with the sting of regret. However, if you stay with the memories you will find that under the pain are a long buried treasure: the memory of love, hope and possibilities. Even if the possibilities did not come to a good conclusion, they represent the very magic which makes life worth living. Revisiting them is surely a gift from the Universe who wishes you to remember where you come from and what you use to wish for.
Capricorn December 23-January 19
You have been traveling deeply within yourself recently, dear Capricorn. This journey has brought you into contact with truths, feelings, and wounding that are very close to the core of your being. In almost all cases, journeys like these are very difficult to talk about, in any rational way. The reason for this is that the area of our core exists in a non-linear, non-duel reality. Cause and effect, as we understand it, does not function the same. Neither does past and future or love and hate. Because of this, it is easy to believe that we should not or cannot express what has occurred for us before, during and after such inner journeys. That we need to keep the stories to ourselves. My advice is to ignore this notion. Everyone who travels into their deeper self needs another to play the role of witness to their inner journey. Otherwise, we might loose ourselves or surrender to the temporary (yet powerful) feelings that sometimes reside near our core. It is absolutely critical that you share your inner insights and experiences with a sacred witness. This person can by your lover, best friend, therapist, spiritual director or leader of your spiritual tradition. He or she must be trustworthy, emotionally safe and willing to give you honest and objective feedback. If you don’t have such a person in your life, I recommend that you go get one. The role of the spiritual witness is critical to your forward progress, particularly in the months and years to come.
Aquarius January 20-February 18
Venus, the Goddess and Planet of Love, has just finished writing a new song of love in your honor, dear Aquarius. The subject of this song might be tragic longing or erotic passion. Either way, she is trying to help you to heal some very old emotional wounds that are in your heart. The healing of these wounds will create the possibility for you to more fully express and receive love from the people who are most important to you.
Pisces February 19-March 20
Dear Pisces, this week it is very important for you to sit down with a friend or your journal and express the emotions you have been storing up. The stars are telling me that, in recent weeks, you have been experiencing a difficult time processing your emotions. Thus, you have a greater than normal amount of unprocessed emotions. If you don’t make some time to let them out you are likely going to experience any number of emotional and physical difficulties in the coming months. The time is ripe for you to prevent this eventuality. I advise you to make a date with a dear friend or the loving pages of your journal and let it all out. Your mind, body and spirit will love you for this.
© Shon Clark 2006