Fuck you too, Bush

Dec 18, 2008 21:45

Man this day just keeps getting better and better for us lady folks.

The Bush administration has made its final gift to the anti-choice fringe.

We're starting the fight to reverse it now.

Dear Carly,

Minutes ago, President Bush's rule limiting the rights of patients to
receive complete and accurate reproductive health information when
they visit a federally funded health care provider was made official.
And, unfortunately, it will take a great deal of work to reverse it -
starting today. Please help.

We knew this was coming, of course. With your help, we've been
fighting it for months. The rule is clearly a parting gift from Bush
to the anti-choice fringe that supported him all these years.

Now, anti-choice medical staff can withhold information about
abortion, birth control, and sex education from their patients.
Facilities that receive family planning funding, like Planned
Parenthood, will have to certify that they will not refuse to hire
nurses and other providers who object to abortion and even certain
types of birth control. For example, a doctor who opposes pre-marital
sex could refuse to provide a prescription or even information about
emergency contraception to an unmarried woman.

Frankly, I'm livid. I believe that tricking women when they are most
vulnerable is wrong - and the federal government shouldn't pay people
to do it. Especially now, when so many people are already in crisis as
a result of the economy, I can't help but feel that this rule is a
particularly low blow to the people who need our help, our support,
and our most accurate and effective care the most.

Even with a new president and administration coming in soon, this
won't be easy to fix. It's going to take more than a simple signature
to reverse it. We're starting our work today and we need your help.
Please ask the Obama administration to reverse the new rule.


Cecile Richards, President
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

P.S. This is a particularly challenging time for so many. More and
more people are turning to Planned Parenthood as they lose their jobs
and their health insurance - and at a time when donations are down.
Your financial support, if you can spare it, is much appreciated.
Thank you.

fuck, dames

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