While one of my cats sat here pawing at me for attention, I pondered a few things as I fended off his harmless pats between smoothing his thick fur. He's never satisfied. I pet and pet yet still he paws and mews until finally I think he's sated then he comes back half an hour later for more. This has been going on for several days since Dre' accidently locked the cat in his bedroom for a couple of hours. I have four cats, each with a personality all their own. The same is said of my four children. Strangely, I compared their personalities and found them oddly familiar...
Prissy Boots is fickle, wants what she wants and only when she wants it and wants things her way. For example, she only likes to drink water fresh from the tap and meows at someone until they turn on a faucet for her. She sits on the floor mewling at us waiting for someone to pick her up and put her on the counter to eat. She only wants attention when she wants it. She isn't a lap cat unless she's in the mood. This is Cara. Oddly, this is also Cara's cat, the one that sucks on Cara's ear when she's in a loving mood. Their personalities are exactly alike.
Romeo is extremely lovable, always wanting attention, particularly from me. Though he'll take it from anyone he can when he isn't able to crawl into my lap. This is Stephanie, and also the cat she is constantly snagging to cuddle up with. Stephanie is constantly seeking attention and will do almost anything to get it. She's very attached to me and tags along with me everywhere I go, just like Romeo does. He follows me around the house and sleeps in whatever room I'm in.
Hermione was a loner, she kept to my bedroom and refused to come out for months or associate with anyone other than me, including the other animals except for her brother, Harley. She even refused to eat or drink to the point I had to set up a bed and food area in my bedroom for fear of her health since she would not leave the room for anything. This is Miranda. Dre' calls her a vampire and hermit. Miranda was comfortable talking to Dre' and to me, but she doesn't connect with her father and well... the two little girls get on her nerves, just like the other two cats get on Hermione's nerves and she hisses at them. And yes, Miranda hisses at her sisters sometimes :P She rarely eats dinner, claiming she isn't hungry, no matter how much I protest. Recently, both Hermione and Miranda have been out of the bedrooms, Hermione far more than Miranda, but she's getting there :) and she's eating dinner more often. Hermione is out and about everywhere, eating meals alongside the other animals now and wandering/sleeping everywhere in the house. Even though Miranda calls Romeo her baby, she has proclaimed Hermione her favorite on several occasions.
Harley is the all around 'whatever' cat. If you piss him off, he hisses. If he's in a good mood, you'll know it by the purr. When he wants attention he'll seek it, when he doesn't, he hides. He gets along with all the other animals, including the dogs, but as I said, if one of them crosses his path and upsets him, he'll let them know. Otherwise, he'll curl up and sleep side by side with them. Yup, he's Dre' with one exception. Harley is soft spoken, he has a whisper meow. Dre' is anything but soft spoken :P The cat's attitude fits perfectly with Dre's favorite word, 'whatever'. And guess where Harley usually makes camp? Dre's room. So it came as no surprise when Harley was locked in that he sought retribution (he still is at this very moment and hitting my keyboard). Dre' is the same way. If he feels wronged, he will not stop until he feels amends have been made. Or at the very least receives a sincere apology.
I've heard of pets that resemble their owners but pets that take on their owner's personalities? Or perhaps I'm reading more into it, which is quite possible. It's nearly 2:00 am after all. But if you knew these four kids and four cats, you might see the same thing. I'm just glad my kids don't shed...