"All the time and money they spent on the mental masturbation of daylight savings time could have been better spent on the schools." I so love that quote. I can always count on Julie for a good quip :) Granted, we're all looking forward to long summer evenings. But the stolen hour in the morning is weighing heavy and I'm feeling it by evening when I'm trying to enjoy the longer daylight hours *smirk* Yes yes, I'll adjust. But just when I do... WHAM!! Fall comes and I have to change my fucking clock again. Dumbass politicians.
Well, tornado season is definitely here. It hit downtown Indy even, and with Final Four here, I'm sure the fans are just loving this. Two tornado warnings and severe thunderstorms in one weekend. Neato. The damage was awe-ful (pun intended) though. Not only did the high winds actually blow out the windows from several floors of the bank building downtown, but now there is the newly found threat of asbestos set free by the minor disaster. I can just imagine the lawsuits stemming from this recent development. Workers and patrons alike. I already feel for the company. Possibly. Then again, bastards should have had the building checked for asbestos as per regulations instead of covering the shit up with plaster and wallpaper :)
Cheddar, our pet hamster, died today, about two-three hours ago. We wrote a very nice note for him, put him in a rather pretty container with bedding and added the note. He'll be buried tomorrow. I'm rather impressed, he lived to be slightly over four years old. Typically they live 2-3 years. For the past year I've been warning the kids that we might find him dead in his cage, to be prepared. So he gave me a 'shod off' for a year :P We decided against getting another one. We packed up all his stuff and we'll just throw it out come Friday. We don't know anyone else with a hamster else we'd give it to them. He still had half a pack of bedding and about half a container of food left. I think Prissy Boots will miss him. She's sleeping on top of his cage (which is by the back door now instead of on top of Miranda's dresser, she couldn't bear it). I was going to bury him in his red ball, but I was afraid of moisture getting in through the holes so I opted for the plastic Mary Kaye bag I had instead. I have two of the same so giving this one up for Cheddar was a small sacrifice. I cleaned the hand creams and junk out of it and set him up myself. Dre' and I both double checked to ensure we weren't burying a hamster just in a really deep slumber. Yup. He's dead. The kids took it surprisingly well. They were near tears, but just not quite the same as losing a pet you cuddle and sleep with at night or that runs and jumps to greet you at the door when you get home. It's hard to bond with a rodent. Though one of my favorite pets was a blind grey-silvery mouse I had when I worked/lived/went to IUPUI downtown Indy in my early twenties. I would sit and watch TV with the mouse crawling all over me. It would never jump off me or run off, because it couldn't see where it was going :) When I was studying it would roam around on the table and frequently bump into my hands. It wasn't afraid of me holding or petting it either. Only rodent type pet I've had that wasn't afraid.
Christian began running a fever last night. I can't believe they didn't give him antibiotics after the surgery. That was a pretty major surgery to open his thigh and repair three breaks with screws and pins. Plus he has foreign objects in his body, no brainer. Is the surgeon on crack? I wonder sometimes if physicians and surgeons are just in such a damn hurry to pay back their student loans or make money that they make errors like this entirely too frequently.
Mark, Steve's brother, had surgery on one leg for a blood clot. The surgeon did a shoddy job, the wound became infected and the stitches popped. It was nasty. He wasn't given an antibiotic post-op either. The wound had to be re-opened and cleaned out. Did I mention that it is a gaping wound from his groin to his knee? Yeah, that's fucking huge and it was one nasty looking infection he had. It festered inside the stitching, which was pretty shitty itself. Hell my daughter could do a better job and she's only had home economics :P Anyway... Patient care is on a decline, power medicine is on an incline. Pop a pill and go away or let me chop you up then go away. It's horrible how swiftly the patient is shoved through the process like a chute at slaughterhouse.
Even though I dislike the lies, hatefulness, disrespect, and numerous other things I can list for pages about my mother, the one thing I can say about her that is positive is that she truly cares about her patients. Too bad she doesn't put that much effort into her family :) Oh, the place I found her a while back, that does the build-out and all that jazz, even had wheel-chair access; the place she declined to go see because she didn't want to break her lease... Well she recently told me she found this great place.
Yeah. That's it. She started to tell me about it and I finished describing it and what all they offer. She stood there, wide-eyed and asked how I knew. What. The. Fuck. ?? Is she truly going senile? It's like, she's suddenly making all the right moves now that she hired this new CPA to come look at things. But they're all the moves I told her to make before, such as switching lab companies, moving locations to the larger, more spacious, same priced (locked in price), city water/sewer, (many more reasons to move) place only .08th of a mile away from us. Yeah, it's that close. The move would have been sooooooooo easy.
So why is it, all the decisions coming from me weren't good enough, but now they are? Does she have so little respect for me that my opinion professionally meant absolutely nothing unless it's coming from someone else to reassure her that it's a good idea? Does she really have that little faith in me? What pisses me off is that she -still- can't see that all the decisions I made she hindered and now she's doing them. That I could have saved her money a year ago had she let me do the job I was given rather than her insistence on controlling everything and everyone. Now Amber is quitting. They had it out. As Mom put it "She pulled a Jamie". Evidently Amber had enough of Mom's shit and went off on her. Mom doesn't think Karolina will stay much longer either. So um. That leaves her with a CPA that doesn't know jack about the office and still calls me periodically to ask questions about this or that; a new part-time receptionist that is learning her way around the desk and can't do much really since she doesn't know much (not her fault, she's learning and there's a LOT to learn); and a volunteer that comes in once a week to help patients with prescription drug company indigent applications (for free medications etc). So basically once Amber leaves, she won't have any money coming in unless she hires someone for billing or a new billing company. If Karolina leaves, she's really fucked. She won't have anyone to do vitals, labs, assist with procedures, etc. As it is, since I left she doesn't have anyone to do injections, Karolina still can't do them properly, she fills them with the wrong amount.
I'm so glad all I have to do is babysit Molly :) My nightmare now is that she is trying to self-destruct so Amber and Karolina will leave to force me back into the clinic. It's a terrible dream. I hope Karolina never leaves, heh. I'm sorry to see Amber leave, but I knew it was coming :( I'm surprised she made it this long.
Anyway, good night.