I received a call Monday asking if I would be interested in a supervisor position at the largest hospital in Indianpolis. Um. Duh. No? She faxed my resume off that day. Tuesday she called back to inform me that I had an interview set up for Monday morning. I'm geeked. Mom isn't ^.^
Granted, if I were in her and Julie's shoes I would prefer a family member watching the babies and the perk of having that someone come to the house to sit with them. Especially considering the previous sitter just had a run-in with Child Protective Services.
However, I need to make a decent income, and benefits. The kid's insurance ran out last month and I'm stuck. Steve flat out can't afford it where he works, it would consume his paycheck. Cheap bastards for owners :)
News from the clinic: Karolina quit. She put in her two weeks notice yesterday but she leaves for the homeland this weekend, so basically she put in a two day notice? I couldn't help but laugh, seriously. I knew this was coming, that both girls would quit after I left. There is only so much someone can take before they snap. Oh and my dad and step-mother absolutely dislike the new receptionist. She was rude to Kat, my step-mom. Bad idea. Kat is sweet as sugar until you give her a reason to turn sour. So mom just lost two patients thanks to her wonderful "20 years experience!" receptionist. I wonder how many will leave before she realizes she made yet another mistake?
And I didn't make a typo up there with 'babies'. They have Kyle back. They are renaming him to Jacob Kyle though. And this time they had their lawyer draw up the paperwork. Julie picked it up today. I'm unsure if Indiana has a law requiring the grandparents sign also if the birth mother is a minor. But she was going to ask the lawyer about it. When he first came back last weekend, he jerked terribly. His limbs and body would move in a way that isn't natural for a baby. The birth mother went into the local mental therapy clinic for a two week stay, she was threatening suicide the morning she agreed to give him back. Mom seems to think she did something to him, shook him or worse. The girl talked about putting a pillow over his face while he slept. Which would explain why he was so difficult to get to sleep the past week. He fought sleep until he nearly passed out from exhaustion. He hardly cried though, I had him laughing Sunday and by Monday he was laughing so hard the rest of us were scrambling for the video camera. But he's just now settling down, taking better naps, four hour long ones in the afternoon, and sleeping at night finally. And the jerking is slowing down, it's nearly gone. Mom put a snoopy in his crib that he hugs up with. He likes the feeling of something on his tummy, be it a hand, blanket, or the snoopy. For that week the family had him back, they said he did nothing but cry the entire time. They called us asking how to soothe him. I fielded one of those calls. How hard is it to just sit and talk to a baby and entertain him? Sheesh. The thought here isn't to get him to shut up or put him to sleep all day and night, it's to stimulate him. Make him happy and get him interested in something. Play with him for a bit then he'll play by himself for a little while. I stand him up and talk to him when he gets fussy and he smiles great big for me and coos. He started blowing bubbles and raspberries for the first time today. Molly's been doing that for two weeks. She also rolled over for the first time last Monday. But she gets pissed when she is on her tummy, she can't figure out how to get onto her back again to play with the dangling stuff :P
And just for your (short) viewing pleasure, a few pictures. And I do mean a few. I've got many more on my digital but the media doesn't fit my comp so I'll have to take it to the shop and have them convert it to disc for me. Or buy a new freakin' camera. Which I'm considering greatly. I'd like to take video that isn't so fuzzy. Anyway,
on to the pics! The first two pics are Jacob, the next one is Molly. I love that pic. She's holding her pacifier like "My paci" and sleeping happily knowing it's safe. And Cara is feeding her in the fourth pic. Sammy and Pudge curled up together on the couch for a nap. If Pudge didn't keep Sammy company I'd be more than happy to find her another home. Annoying little shit. The next two were for fun. Dre' had to do a paper on a family member, relating their life to the movie Steel Magnolias, he chose me. It included using pictures of me. These were two of the pics I let him use. I was pregnant with him and had no ass. Wow did I make up for that :P The other one is me at 12, a scrap of a tomboy. I had no boobs. I still haven't made up for that much ^.^ Next pic is Chris with the lovely bunny who wore that suit on one hot ass Sunday. I give the man props. I give myself and John (a family friend) props also. We pushed Chris around in his wheelchair for the egg hunt over a rock path and in a huge field that was moist with the previous night's rain. It was a bitch. We each took a handle and pulled him back to the pavement when the hunt was over. Huffing and puffing, muscles sore, but with one happy kid in the seat. The final picture is Julie, Steph, Taylor, Mr. Fluffy and the babies. Though the ear hid Jacob.
My brother got a job in Michigan, but he's staying at an apartment during the work week and coming home on his days off so the kids can finish out the school year. Then they'll move up over the summer. He wants me to drive up and get Court and Chris over the weekends. They don't want to stay with the tramp. No problem on this end :) I don't want them staying there either.
Off to bed, I have a full list of to-do for tomorrow, including yet another softball practice and a parade. Bleh.