Life is just too hectic. I managed to get my daughter's coach hired in at the clinic. Mom actually listened to me. Evidently the twin barbies Mom hired weren't working out. Imagine that. I tried to get her to hire this woman two months ago. But no, she doesn't take my advice over business, she thinks I'm stupid. So when the shit hit the fan about the little twits in her office, I waved the woman's resume in Mom's face :) She finally listened.
She thanked me, many many times. Yeah, this woman is that good and then some.
One barbie is still working there, not sure how much longer she will be though. She's already copping an attitude with Cam. She called me while on smoke break and told me at first things were good, then boom, it's like something snapped in her and the girl suddenly got an attitude. I warned Cam she would probably have to deal with it yesterday, today is her first day.
Tonight I'm doing an open house for the clinic too. I went in and printed out two different brochures for them to choose from. Cam picked the one I thought they'd go for, the tri-fold nifty one that looks wicked :) if I do say so myself. So she printed off a bunch for me. I'll run over there in a few hours to pick everything up and set up at the school. Skippy. I wanted to do it since I know most of the vendors there anyway, I've done it for the past two years. New faces would be odd, plus the networking is important. I want Cam to go with me so I can introduce her around, let people see her and get her involved with the business community in the area since the clinic is so heavily entrenched with it. Several of the businesses there are tied to the clinic in one way or another either through friendship or from the first fair I did.
Updates, way too many. So much going on. I'm a diabetic now. Found out during All-star season. Not insulin dependent. That's a perk, I guess. Just on Actos, though I keep forgetting to take it, heh. I lost a bunch of weight at first too. A pound a day for two weeks. Freaked me out. Then it slowed down and leveled off a few weeks later.
Kids are all doing great. School is good, Dre' got his license and is taking the van to school every day and carpooling with another kid that pays him for it. Not much, but enough to cover the gas. Plus he starts a job next week, he's excited.
Steph starts basketball soon. I'm too tired :( Softball just ended! I'm not ready for another sport yet *whine*
Anyway, yes I'm still alive. I have oodles of pics to upload, but I'm swamped right now, I'll get up to date here soon when I have more time. Sorry to have slacked off so bad. I miss you guys so much.